Steve Brown

Well Known Member
Hi All,

I've searched the book for an index or table of contents to RV9/A drawings and can't find one. I'm getting ready to make my own, but if anyone else has done it, I'd rather steal yours?????????

I have one for the -7, but a lot of it will also apply to the -9. I'll email it to you so you can get a head start.
Hi All,

I've searched the book for an index or table of contents to RV9/A drawings and can't find one. I'm getting ready to make my own, but if anyone else has done it, I'd rather steal yours?????????
One already exists and Van's supplies it with your preview plans. One of the first sections of the manual has a complete index by part # and then references on which drawings those part numbers are shown. I use it all the time with great results. Hope this helps.