
Well Known Member
My Skyview is reading 2x the correct tach reading from my Lightspeed mag and I can't find the fix in the Skyview installation manual. Help, please. Thanks, Bruce Estes
Look in the installation manual under EMS. I had the same problem. Sorry can't give you section...
From the Dynon manual:

Dynon said:
Tachometer pulses/revolution are set in the Engine Information Wizard ? SETUP MENU > HARDWARE CALIBRATION > EMS CALIBRATION > TACHOMETER CALIBRATION.

I'm confused by your post. The title lists Emag and the body of your posts mentions Light Speed.

The P-mags default is 2 pulses per revolution and I have no idea what the default PPR for Light Speed might be.
Adjust you E-Mag settings

I went in and adjusted the E-Mag pulses from 2 to 1. Problem solved. You have to connect up to the E-Mag with a laptop and run their utility to change the settings. It was easy. If you have questions let me know.

Is it a Lightspeed, Mag or Pmag? Post is a little confusing and the correction will depend on which you have.