
Well Known Member
This place is amazing. On the basis of one post in the past I was invited to eyeball a couple of RVs and have learned a ton of stuff so far.

I've got the wife convinced (so far) that an RV-6 or RV-7 is a good fit for our mission, which is both some longer XC trips and shorter-range vacations without spending Beechcraft money. :)

I need to get her the chance to sit in one. Carl graciously volunteered to let me sit in his RV-8 (and I did) and his neighbor let me eyeball and sit in his -6A.

Would anyone be willing to let her (my wife) sit in an RV-6/7 and get a feel not only for the space but for whether or not the baggage section is sufficient?

We're in the DC Metro area and can reach a lot of places.

I know this might seem like a strange ask. If it's uncouth or frowned upon to make this ask, I apologize in advance. Just trying to get us both on the same page before I start spending money on pre-buy inspections.
Also, consider the RV 9/9a

I have, but it's further down the list. I have a preference to do some 'light' acro and would like the capability.

I'd consider the right RV-9 for the right price, but the preference is for the 6/7 at the moment.

None of this will matter if she determines that she doesn't like it. :)

This is not an unusual ask. Likely several volunteers closer by will be along to offer help.

Historical experience suggests most spouses prefer sxs seating ... especially so if they are not pilots and long-ish cross country trips are planned. Of course, there are always exceptions ...

From a cabin comfort and baggage point of view, the 6 and 7 (and 6A and 7A for that matter) are practically indistinguishable. Individual examples of one model might vary more than the difference between the “average” 6 and the “average” 7. Such specifics for example as as manual vs electric flaps, center console or no, “Supertracks” or “Almost a 14" seat back mods, smoke oil installations, etc.

Good luck, you are doing the right due diligence. Carry on.

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Bill, bring your wife and let’s go flying. My RV7 is hangered at Potomac Airport (KVKX) and I live in Alexandria. Robert