
Active Member
The stiffeners for the tanks are cut to the same length except for the two inboard stiffeners that are cut shorter. I cut both inboard stiffeners the same way which leads to my question. On the left tank it fits just like it should, but on the right tank the only way it fits is to install the stiffener with the flange in the opposite direction when compared to the left tank. Is it okay for the flange to be in the opposite direction or should I order another stiffener and cut it 'mirror image' to the left tank inboard stiffener so the flange faces in the same direction as the other stiffeners?
Go back through you directions, if I remember correctly, the orientation of the stiffeners is builders preference. As long as the flange doesn't block access to set and seal the rivets your fine. The tank skin is wide open (no ribs installed) when you rivet the stiffeners so it shouldn't be a problem.