pierre smith

Well Known Member
....I'm often amazed at the kindness and selfless nature of so many of the folks on here.

I've recently been interested in a Rocket out west and don't have time to go look at it since our season is underway down here.

I met Bob Mills last year in Chico, Ca. on a visit to my parents and children, when he gave me a ride in his Super 6....a rocket in it's own right.

Well, he volunteered to go and do a pre-buy on the Rocket and took his buddy, an A@P/IA with him. The owner also volunteered a ride, which Bob took. Between a bunch of pictures and a personal chat with his buddy, Walt, about the condition of things, I'm very grateful indeed and I couldn't even pay for anything. I will however, be in Reno to take them to a fancy dinner, so I thought it appropriate to thank them both publically.

Thanks very, very much Bob.
Hi Milt...

...the Sojourner will be for the wife and me and the Harmon Rocket will be for me:). The missus sat in Brian's -4 and was not a happy camper. "It's like I'm sitting in a hole back here!" was her remark.

You remember the old Southern expression, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". I did ask her if she'd divorce me if I bought it, like the ex did, and she said, no way. She says the bills are paid, there's money in the bank and I don't do the bar scene (but do teach Sunday school), so what the heck, go for it.

....I'm often amazed at the kindness and selfless nature of so many of the folks on here.

I've recently been interested in a Rocket out west and don't have time to go look at it since our season is underway down here.

I met Bob Mills last year in Chico, Ca. on a visit to my parents and children, when he gave me a ride in his Super 6....a rocket in it's own right.

Well, he volunteered to go and do a pre-buy on the Rocket and took his buddy, an A@P/IA with him. The owner also volunteered a ride, which Bob took. Between a bunch of pictures and a personal chat with his buddy, Walt, about the condition of things, I'm very grateful indeed and I couldn't even pay for anything. I will however, be in Reno to take them to a fancy dinner, so I thought it appropriate to thank them both publically.

Thanks very, very much Bob.

There is a large group of Tech counselors out there willing to do that type of inspection for anyone needing it.

Gary Specketer
Thanks very, very much Bob.

Shucks Pierre, the pleasure was all mine! Not to mention, I got to fly/ride in it! (As I felt after riding in my buddy's F1 Rocket...the ride that started RV/Rocket fever for me...after flying this one, I said "reminds me of an A-4, and closest thing to a fighter I've seen!") Best of luck, and whichever way it goes, nothing owed, my friend! (Well, maybe another ride!)

There is a large group of Tech counselors out there willing to do that type of inspection for anyone needing it.

Gary Specketer

Roger that Gary, very true, and I certainly wouldn't compete with that, or pass myself off as an inspector. That's why I brung my buddy, who helps me on my condition inspections (works my butt off would be a better term!) and who has helped build and/or rebuild several RVs. Gave it the close eyeball, asked a heap of good questions, and we took a ton of pics for Pierre.

Good luck again Pierre!!

She's a keeper!

I did ask her if she'd divorce me if I bought it, like the ex did, and she said, no way. She says the bills are paid, there's money in the bank and I don't do the bar scene (but do teach Sunday school), so what the heck, go for it.

Now that's a very sensible spouse! That also pretty much sums up Paul and my decision-making on aviation (and other) matters. Of course, it's certainly easier when you DO keep the bills paid, you DO have money in the bank, and you have a spouse you can trust completely. Pierre, you and I are both very blessed!