
I'm New Here
I have been seriously considering building an rv7 for the last 2 years. However I am planning to pay off the mortgaged before I begin major construction. So construction is years away. What small projects can I do before I start the big build?
Here's what I've already been working on:
  • Flight training for my pilots license
  • Collecting sheet metal tools
  • Insulating and lighting garage
  • Reviewing preview plans
Here are items I'm considering:
  • Creating flight stick grips
  • Drawing out paint scheme
What other projects can I do in the mean time?
Find some folks in your local area who are building, and ask if you can help them with their projects. It won't cost you anything but a little time, will teach you some skills, help you figure out if you like building airplanes....and create a new circle of friends!

Things to Do in the meantime

The first list is needed and good. Thee second list you can do after the plane is almost done. As mentioned find a local builder or flyer to visit and talk to. I know it's hard to start but you start to get slower after the age of 16. HaHa:)
Once you've collected some tools, do the Van's practice kits. When finished, drill out all the rivets and build them again. Great experience for very little money.
Keep reading about airplane building stuff! Work on your electrical plan. Help others build their airplane. If the waiting list for a hanger at your local airport is long, get on now. At COI, it is years long. Slowly build up your tool collection and aviation library.