
Well Known Member
Karen and I are catching a red-eye to DTW tonight and will be in southeast Michigan for the next two weeks. If anyone within a couple of hours drive of Ann Arbor needs a bucking partner, or would simply tolerate a visitor, email me at cessna170bdriver at yahoo dot com or call six six wun ait wun six tree zeero zeero tree (my PM box stays 96-98% full, so that is not always a dependable option:eek:).

Karen and I are catching a red-eye to DTW tonight and will be in southeast Michigan for the next two weeks. If anyone within a couple of hours drive of Ann Arbor needs a bucking partner, or would simply tolerate a visitor, email me at cessna170bdriver at yahoo dot com or call six six wun ait wun six tree zeero zeero tree (my PM box stays 96-98% full, so that is not always a dependable option:eek:).

The weather is better in East Tennessee this time of year and I have lots of bucking bars:)
If the inlaws drive you nuts or you just need a day trip, there are a bunch of us at 8D4, just north of GRR, including a 10 being moved to the airport this week. I have a completed 7a for rides ( weather permitting ) and could be available.

six one six - two four zero - four two eight nine.

I know it's a hike but weather permitting, it could be worth it.
Thanks Paul!

I get along great with all my in-laws, but I do like to get out and explore. I already have a tentative plan to have breakfast with Terry Kohler in Pontiac one of the Saturdays I'll be there.

8D4 sounds like fun. I have your number and will call when I know my schedule a bit better. Karen may come along, as we've talked about doing a little preliminary looking at real estate over that way.
Miles, I can't believe it. You go to Michigan just when I leave! I am home until after the new year but spend about 1/2 time in East Lansing.

Take Paul up on a visit. His 7A is beautiful.
Yeah, Rocky, I missed you in Colorado about 2 years ago, and now Michigan. I'll keep you posted, as I'm sure we'll be back to Michigan more and more as time goes on.;)
Rocky, invite to go for a flight still stands. Perhaps the next time we meet the ceilings will be higher than the tree tops!

Miles, if you do make it over here and the weather permits, I love sharing my 7....... Gas is on me.