Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
We often say on this forum how important our signifigant others are to the success of our RV projects. I like many of you, have a woman in my life who works selflessly along side of me doing everything from shooting rivets to cleaning the shop. She listens with understanding at times when the project isn't going so well, and always lets me know the troubles will be overcome and short lived.

Today Adele ran her first full marithon at age 42. I must say my heart filled with pride as I watched her cross the finish line. With determination like that I guess it's not hard to see why this airplane building stuff doesn't get her too worked up.

That's Adele in the back of my buddy Joe Hine's RV 4

Congrats to Adele! I've done a few half marathons and know how hard they are. Well done on the real thing!
Congrats to Adele!!


Thanks for posting this, I had no idea that Adele was a runner....I get tired watching Marathons on TV!...Tell her I owe her another ride in YTQ as a reward. Thanks for posting the good photo as well. !!

Great Job!!

I have run two half marathons. Each time I finished I thought about all the runners who were going to do the distance AGAIN!!! It is an amazing accomplishment. Just tell her to moderate her running on hard surfaces as it will eventually wear out some important pieces. RE: Her being involved in the building process, well, you are a Very LUCKY MAN...