
Well Known Member
I'm in Minneapolis tomorrow (Thurs) evening. Staying at the Radisson hotel downtown. If there are any builders nearby who would like to meet and show off your project, let me know. Unfortunately i don't have a rental car, however.
I live in the Northern suburbs of the twin cities. Why don't you give me a call if you want to see my project. My cell is 612-221-8563.
I'm also free Thursday evening. I've got to pick up those coolers that Mike took home from Oshkosh for me. If you guys get together, let me know and I'll invite myself over. Work number (I'm there by 11) is 651-290-1414.
Go for a ride?

Not sure what my schedule is tomorrow, but if you get to Mike's place, it is a short hop over to KANE. It would not take much arm twisting to come up with a reason to go for a ride in the 9A..............

Weather looks marginal ;)

KMSP 160233Z 160324 25005KT P6SM SCT250
FM0600 32007KT P6SM BKN110
FM1200 36010KT P6SM SCT100 SCT250
FM1900 31012KT P6SM SCT250

Mike, if you guys do hook up, give me a call.
Mike, how long a cab ride are you from downtown?
I could probably sneak out of here as early as 4:30pm. Why don't i give you call shorlty after 4:00.
Pete, I'd LOVE a ride in a -9A, since that's what I'm building and I've never had a ride in one!! Gas money available!!!
I'm at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Room 1109.
Actually, i just looked over today's schedule, and I can get away earlier (especially if it means an RV ride! I've been DYING for a ride in a -9A!). Not sure what your guys' schedules are like.

IS there anyway way we could fit-in a ride in Pete's plane as well as a visit to see Mike's project this afternoon/evening?

It looks like I'm pretty free, but unfortunately without transportation.
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I'm not available until around 6 (I have a couple of afternoon "newscasts" on 89.3, the last one is at 5:20). But after that, I can probably pick you up in Minneapolis (I'm in St. Paul) and take you north. I haven't been over since the bridge fell (I presume I'll just go on 94 and pick up 694 to 35W to get up to Mike's. Or would you rather head right to KANE?) so I'm not sure what the travel time to downtown is these days -- used to be about 20 minutes at rush hour from downtown St. Paul.
Thanks Bob!
Let's see what Mike and Pete say about their schedules today. NOt sure what time it gets dark, or if Pete's plane is night capable, so if a ride is an option it might have to happen first, followed by the visit to see Mike's project.
OK, just heard from Pete by email. Plan is for him to pick me up at 4:30, take me for the -9A ride, and then meet Bob and Mike at Mike's place.
Looking forward to meeting you guys!

i will be at my hanger at kane toingt from about 5:00 to 7:30 pm. if any of you guys want to stop by feel free. i am the last group of hangers before the tower it is the one with the garage door on the back side. i will be doing the invetory of my qb rv-8a kit. my dad has his commander 114 I can give a ride or 2 in that also.
Phil got a ride this evening in -- what I contend is -- the most famous RV-9A in America.


That's Pete Howell who just put the grin on Phil's face. Afterwards, Pete shows that although he is a terrific builder and pilot, he's yet to master that whole Tom Sawyer and the picket fence thing. ;)


Yep, that's Pete doing the clean-up work and Phil and Mike Behnke watching. A few bugs here and there but after a little clean-up, she gleamed like the calendar photo! Beautiful plane. And, I should say, beautiful hangar. I just rented a t-hangar and it's got two incandescent bulbs in the ceiling and two outlets. This one has the light of a million suns and power outlets every five feet.

What a cool guy Pete is! Picks Phil up in downtown Minneapolis, an RV-ride, and then back to work.

Ya just gotta love RVers.
Full Disclosure


Thanks for the nice write up. It was pleasure to host a neighbor from the north! I can't take all the credit. The hangar belongs to RV-7A builder and all around super guy Bernie Weiss, I'm just an appreciative guest.

My contribution to the evening was picking Phil up and having to endure the pain and suffering of flying on one of the nicest nights of the year ;) . From there, RV-9A builder Mike Behnke took Phil for a look-see of his project and then back to his hotel in downtown Minne.

Oh - I hope Canada is on our side - this guy Phil is genius with Quantum Computing used to crack secret codes. Very spy vs. spy. He gave me a great overview (very dumbed down). Very cool stuff.

It was beautiful night, and a good time had by all.
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Full Disclosure

In the interest of full disclosure - Bob gave Phil a ride back to the hotel (Thanks Bob).

Bob and I also got to check out Mike Johnson's just delivered RV-8A QB kit while Phil and Pete were in the air. What a treat!

Thanks all for a fun RV evening!

It was an amazing ride, and a great evening overall! Thanks guys!
Bob, could you please email me those photos? Thanks!

It was pleasure to host a neighbor from the north!

I actually don't think Ottawa is much north of minneapolis... more like due east!
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