
Well Known Member
More glass added to to the cockpit........

I recently cancelled my XM audio subscription b/c I was not using it anywhere outside the plane. I used to use it in the shop every night when building, but since the plane is complete, the XM became just another monthly bill.

Well, my wife and kids picked up on the loss of XM gave me an iPod Touch for my birthday! I know I am late to the iPod game, but this thing is cool! I did have to have Ryan show me the basics, but it is pretty dang intuitive once you get rolling. Some screen shots below..

I have all my music:

Lots of episodes of the CBS Radio Mystery Theatre and "The Falcon"

The Onion Radio News - A must have...

Asteroid Video(for the copilot...)

Weather (with WiFi)

Even APRS: (with WiFi)

And a new app that lets you use the GPS over sectionals!!
It makes a nice backup.


Like I said, I know I am late, but giddy up! I have mine on a RAM mount with jointed arm allowing for easy passenger or pilot positioning. It looked great in bright sunlight on the lunch flight to Mason City today.
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Tell us more...


I've been using an inexpensive Samsung MP3 player that will eventually be the heart of my "entertainment" system on my 9A.

I'd be VERY interested to know more about the last application you mentioned for use with your IPOD Touch. Had no idea that those "kid toys" were something that would be useful to us. APRS is great too - keep track of your buddies enroute?

Enjoy your posts. Thanks

Carl Raichle
Lutz (Tampa) FL
RV 9A Tidying up for Weigh In and Inspection
iPod App

Hey Pete - What's the name of the app that shows track over sectional? I gotta have that for my iPhone.

I tried to keep up departing ANE today - for about 20 seconds.:)

OK, the sectional app makes me want to trade in my Nano for an iPod touch or iPhone. That's too cool as long as the sectionals are easy to update.


The app is called SkyCharts. Still a bit rough, but it was only $10 in the app store.

One other cool thing is e-mail on the Touch. When I arrived in Mason city today, I received a message with a Powerpoint attached. I was able to review and approve it in the FBO lobby before lunch...


I really like the thing for watching vids when I work out on the ex bike, too. Tonight I watched a British documentary on the making of the 747....
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I would be interested in your RAM Mount installation

I am still chain sawing trees and limbs and doing cleanup from our ice storm on January 27 so I can't get the development work done on the airplane. I have visualized an installation of the GPS 695 on a modified RAM mount between the seats on our RV-6A. The problem I can imagine is obstruction of the fuel valves which are on a custom center console just forward of the seats (spar). I don't even know what an ipod looks like but if I could see a photo of your installation it might help me get my installation concept worked out a little more while in the sawing and stacking firewood and hauling brush mode of operation.

Bob Axsom
Pics for Bob

Bob - Here you go:

Mounted to passenger sidewall. Blue foam "super boosters" for Kate

Top quarter view - mount is very solid

Top view of mount

Close-up #2

Video of me landing - in case I forget.......
I've been maintaining a list of iPhone/iPod Touch aviation applications on my blog. The list also includes a list of aviation web sites that have been specifically designed for the iPhone/iPod (Touch). For the apps I plan on adding links directly to iTunes... when I have time.

For good free site, point your browser to They have charts there as well.

AirWx (app) also does charts (Sectional, IFR, and Terminal Charts), but costs $9.99.
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Great Stuff

This is great stuff guys.

Brad, does AirWx contain all of the charts in the application, or does it look them up over the wireless connection as needed.

Hey Antony,

I may be mistaken, but ALL of the apps that do charts of any sort require a connection. The only app that I know of that has a local database is the app, and it's really only AFD data (no charts).
Sky Charts can Cache


Skycharts can load the charts on the touch so no connection is required.

Thanks for the links!
And Podcasts too

Search podcasts for free "aviation" podcasts. "The Finer Points" is particularly good - in both audio and video. Of course you don't need an ipod/iphone to view them on your PC or Mac.
"I have mine on a RAM mount with jointed arm "

Pete, I have been looking at AC Spruce and Ram but don't see the particular jointed arm mount you have in the photos. Did you have model number and or source?


Randy C
Favorite Weather

The best aviation weather app I've found is AeroWeather. All of your favorite destinations at a glance. Touch the location to see full TAF or METAR.

Chart Application

For the application that shows your position on the sectional, are you hooking a gps up to the Ipod Touch? My Ipod doesn't have a gps like the Iphone.
New Touch

Hi Craig,

My new itouch has an embedded GPS. I don't know if the older ones do.

The above statement is WRONG - see corrected info by smarter folks below!
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Hi folks!

I'm thrilled someone finally found my application, SkyCharts!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improvements let me know here or on forum!

Btw, the iPod touch does NOT have a built in gps, its using the wifi to locate a position. But its surprisingly accurate!

Also, besides the RAM mount another option is to use the 'ProFit' mount for your iPhone.
Like RAM they have several options. More info here. Would be nice to compare the two mounting systems side by side ?
I think RAM is more well known though ?
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Yeah, but whats even more surprising is that it works so well.

Apple should of course have added a gps receiver, then the iTouch would be a great GPS device (it is sorta with the wifi, but if you are in mountainous areas and you truly need a GPS then you can't get a gps fix!)

More info here:

Or check the sneaky '7' on the Apple site:

But it worked even when flying ? What altitude ? Thats pretty surprising, I didn't think wifi went that far ?
Thank you

I like the well organized Travel/Destination section. I added one of my favorite destinations on the Oregon coast (S45), will add some more later.

Hi back at you, Heikki.

Good to have you on board.
Btw, SkyCharts v1.4 is now out - double tap anywhere and it will bring up AF/D and TPP charts for the closest airport.
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Skycharts can load the charts on the touch so no connection is required.

Thanks for the links!

Yeah, but whats even more surprising is that it works so well.

But it worked even when flying ? What altitude ? Thats pretty surprising, I didn't think wifi went that far ?


Blatantly copied your mounting idea for the new IPhone! I used the existing Ram mount that came in the airplane, and added the cradle for the phone...great idea!! Pix below my questions that follow.

I've been using SkyCharts (very nice Heikki) and Aeroweather quite a bit. I also went to Brad's site (nice job Brad) and ended up loading all of my checklists into AirCheck (still playing with it, might stick with paper, but who knows).

Heikki, in response to your question about connectivity when airborne, I found that I lost connection when flying (I was in fairly mountainous terrain). Sectional was still there to play with, but it did not fix my position (OK of course, as I have a GPS with map). It did continue to give me pop-up warnings though, and it might be nice to just get that once, acknowledge it, and be able to view the map with no further pop-ups (just a thought!).

Pete, you mentioned that Skycharts could cache charts for later call-up (I believe). Can you (or Heikki) describe how that's done. Seems like if I call up, say an airport diagram at my destination so as to avoid a call for "progressive taxi", then switch back to the sectional, I have to start all over (with the "Direct to" button) to get back to the diagram. Do either of you know of a way to store charts for quick call-up, or re-call-up without the connection? Is there a way to hit "back" to see previously viewed/cached charts?

One last question Pete...did you make or buy those blue super-boosters for the right seat? Exactly what I need for my sons!

Here's the pix (with Skycharts up!):



Thanks again!

Hi Bob

Sorry about not replying, didn't see this before..

Anyway - great ideas for both disabling pop-up warnings, and a history.

Unfortunately neither are supported right now, I'll see if I can get around adding them. On the gps equipped iPhone's you can use the 'gps lock' feature to display the current position and use the D-> for an airport you want to look up, but of course that doesn't help if your device doesn't have a current gps position..

There is a new release ( coming out any day now, a super zoom is the biggest difference, but besides from that I have been working on back end changes in order to add more maps.
Thanks Heikki!

I talked to Pete H offline, and he showed me how to update all charts and cache sectional charts (by hitting the little i).

I did that for a few nearby sectionals, and it seems that (while in flight and thus without a signal) I can now slide the screen and see those sectionals, but I can still only view airport charts that I have previously viewed (while I had a signal...the others bring up a "connection to server lost" warning and won't load). I think it's that way whether I double tap near the airport to bring up the charts (a cool feature!) or I use the D (direct) to pull up the data (can't say for sure on that one though, I may have just been using the double tap method for the tests). I was under the impression that once I cache a sectional, the charts/diagrams for all the airports on that sectional are also cached. I just haven't had good luck so far with that. Am I perhaps doing something wrong? Not a big deal, as I mostly am using the airport charts feature to view AF/D and Airport Diagrams (for ground maneuvering), not for shooting approaches.

It's a very nice app (I'm sure it takes loads of effort to make it so nice), and just trying to get to know it better. Thanks much for the feedback!!

Glad you like it!

I intend to improve it a lot more (i.e navigation, new charts: TAC&IFR, flight planning, logbook entry & WX overlays), but the WX has been good enough I find myself out at the airport instead of in front of the computer! :)

The entire list is here:

I broke caching of A/FD and airport diagrams (i.e VFR stuff) in, but its fixed in I submitted the fix last week to AppStore so it should show hopefully show up any day now ?

However, even in if you want some of the IFR plates then you need to view them first.. Once flight planning is in place all airport information will be cached for the route as well.
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Thanks Heikki! Looks like a lot of great stuff coming! Will look for and play with it some more. Good stuff! Thanks again!

Hi Heikki,

On Friday I purchased Skycharts and installed it on my 32gb iPhone 3GS. After playing around with it and caching the charts I need I went flying. For the most part, it works fantastic! At 3500ft the gps in the iPhone still worked... I thought if the iPhone went into airplane mode the gps wasn't supposed to work..? Could be something different about the 3.0 OS and/or the 3GS hardware, so thus far there isn't a reason to jailbreak it (not that one can jailbreak the 3GS at this time anyway). Sometimes it becomes unresponsive after double-tapping on an airport, but a restart of the app usually takes care of that. Only the slider works, pinching to zoom in/out doesn't work.

The iPhone screen works great in bright sunlight, but I'd like to try using an anti-glare screen protector.

Keep up the great work, Skycharts is an impressive app! If you need a beta tester I'd be more than happy to help.
It would be excellent if the gps in the 3GS stays enabled even in airplane mode. However, since I don't have one (yet) I have yet to verify that, but it would indeed be nice if true.
Beta-tester, yes, please send be the info requested on the page and I'll add you to the next beta.

Zoom - I made a fix for OS3.0 in, but sadly Apple has not reviewed/released it yet. It has been more than two weeks now!!
So hopefully in the next couple of days ?
Use the slider until then, sorry. The hang problem is most likely due to it wanting to fetch the corresponding PDF. also fixes a caching problem in where the A/FD and airport diagram isn't cached. It should say 'internet error' or something and not hang, but it's not unlikely something else has changed in 2.2 -> 3.0 ?

I'll try reproducing the problem, since I was planning on going to pick up my 3GS on Monday and try it out! :)
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Sadly I wasn't able to get hold of an 3GS today! :(

Has anyone else besides rocketbob noticed if GPS is working in airplane mode ?
(using the 3GS iPhone that is, and without jail-breaking it)
(and not that I don't believe you Bob, but it would be nice to have this new functionality verified by multiple sources!)
Last edited: has now finally been released at AppStore

Please update to fix the zoom problem in OS3.0
It now also has a 'super zoom' on the last zoom level, useful to really see all chart details.

I just udated to after reading your post, and it does look like the zoom goes a little bigger on the airport charts. Couldn't tell if I had done a super there anything I need to do to get that, or is it just spreading the chart a little more?

I re-cached SFO, LAX and LAS charts, and it then updated itself, so I went to airplane mode, and tried to bring up a few airport charts. I still seem to be having the same results...if I've viewed an airport chart while I had a signal, I can view it again with no signal (simulated with airplane mode). However, if I did not previously view an approach or an airport chart while I had a signal, once I no longer have a signal, the "unable to connect to server" warning pops up. I thought that once I cached a sectional, I'd be able to view all the airport charts within that sectional, even if I'm airborne, and can't get a signal. Not sure my airplane mode "signal lost" simulation test is valid, or if I'm doing something wrong, but thought I'd ask.

Thanks much!!

With 'airport chart', do you mean the TPP charts (i.e 'plates') or the A/FD and airport diagram ? The TPP's are currently not cached, since they take up too much space... Once flight planning is in place something I'll add something more clever (or some option to cache everything, even though that will slow down the download process). So for now, if you expect to use a plate, please view it and it will be cached for next time.

But the A/FD and airport diagrams for the airports in the respective sectional should be cached though. And yes, the airplane mode is a good simulation for what will happen once connectivity is lost!

Super zoom, maybe I shouldn't have called it that.. But in any case like you noticed it allows the final zoom level to be blown up 50% from the original size. Since it really does blow up the bitmap I stop at 50%, after that things start getting pixelated and the charts (although larger) are not any more readable than the original size.
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edit: (oooops, plz see my next post before replying to this one...might have figured it out)

I was lumping all the chart types bad! I just went back in and tried it, and still get the same warning when I try to pull up an A/FD or Airport Diagram (in airplane mode), which says:

Server Unreachable
Can't download A/FD and TPP data.
Make sure you have connectivity.​

I went back and unchecked LAX and LAS, and then re-cached only SFO, just to see if perhaps it was a memory problem. Unfortunately, I still got the same warning when trying to bring up various A/FDs and Airport Diagrams (Salinas, San Jose, South County, Hayward, etc.) Verified I have

Wouldn't be surprised if it's operator error, and open to any thoughts. No sweat on this end, and thanks for all the replies!! :)

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Disregard my last post. Just fiddled with it a bit and I believe I figured out my error (which may have been discussed earlier in the thread).

I was wondering why, even after caching, I was getting some expired chart warnings (thought maybe they were for areas where I had not cached). However, I read the pop-up warnings more closely, and read one that said to use WiFi to get updates. I'd been caching in 3G.

So I turned on WiFi, and it went through the update process. Then I cached SFO and LAX sectionals in WiFi, and now A/FDs and Airport Diagrams are fully accessible (tested it out in airplane more on many SF and LA area airports). Very cool!

So now I think I get it...updating and caching appear to be completely separate processes. So as long as I update the charts in WiFi, can I cache sectionals in 3G (say no WiFi available on the road), and get the same result, or should I always cache in WiFi? (Should be able to do so with a little planning, but just wunderin'.

Thanks again very much!

Great it finally worked out!

Caching in 3G and in wifi should be the same.
The only difference is that you never get the 'Chart update available' message when in 3G/Edge, wifi IS required. The idea was to prevent pulling down a lot of data for chart updates and I did not want to have people do that by mistake when out on the road. Chart updates are time consuming since all chart data & A/FD and plates are deleted, then it has to recache everything again.

The only think I can think of when you tried recaching the charts is that you didn't un-select, then press done, then reselect the charts ?
It has to be a two step process - just unselecting, then selecting the same charts just appears to do something but it really doesn't..

So this works:
1. Un-select charts (previously selected). Press Done. The app says 'updating charts' (charts are deleted)
2. Re-select charts (previously un-selected). Press Done. The app says 'updating charts' (charts are cached)

This does not work:
1. Un-select charts (previously selected). Re-select same charts. Press Done. The app says 'updating charts'. Nothing is done however, it knows you already had this cached! In your case though, since you used to originally cache charts the A/FD and airport diagrams were NOT cached.

So after caching, go into airplane mode and try that you actually have everything you thought you would just in case.

It also doesn't hurt to reboot the phone... A lot of odd things happen when the phone starts running out of memory.
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Thanks Heikki,

Worked just as you describe, and it all makes sense. :) Appreciate all the help!!

FYI: of SkyCharts just got pushed out to AppStore.

ALL IFR plates for every sectional can now be downloaded!
(it takes time - be patient)
Enable the 'Cache IFR plates' in the system settings to enable.

You can also try the new BreadCrumbs feature - allows your friends to track your whereabouts.

Again - SkyCharts CACHES everything you do, so it will work even without connectivity. Bulk download entire sectionals using the 'i' button.
