
Well Known Member
After being grounded for a month I finally got the beast back together yesterday which included doing SB 07-11-09 and reinstalling the PSRU and prop after some work on the reduction unit. It had been leaking oil and the EGG factory fixed it good this time with a new front shaft and wider seal.

So fellow pilots, if I flip this sucker in the future it won't be because the SB had not been complied with. :) I wasn't going to do it but did anyhow.

Flying off of turf in the winter is less than ideal. With this climate change going on, one day it is frozen solid, the next it is slippery as all get out. I don't like it and when I win the a lottery, this place will have a decent runway for all year operations.

I tried a take off yesterday late after a sun shine all afternoon and the airplane felt like it was glued to the muck. I aborted the effort and returned to the hangar not knowing what the landing would bring. Today it was frozen quit solid so I blasted off, mostly to see if the prop would need to be rebalanced, which it does, and visited some buddies at local airports. There is another big time storm coming in from Texas so the flight was timely and fun. One point eight hours later, landing on a frozen surface in a slight cross wind can be dicey as the airplane is inclined to swap ends, but it all worked out with a bit of luck as usual.

Anyway, the worst part of this business is having a grounded airplane and the best is getting it flying again.