improvements for Vans models

  • Prepunch option for -3 or -4

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • factory fastback option for -3 or -4 or -8

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • different wing for heavier aerobatics on certain models

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • modular fuel increase option for all models

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • beefed up engineering for more hp on certain models

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • making a regular quick build option for the entire -3 or -4

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • full CAD re-do of RV-3 kit to include better instructions and prepunching

    Votes: 5 9.6%

  • Total voters


VAF moderator
Hello Folks.... since we all know about the economy and it's wandering.. I though I'd see what people want as far as improvements to the Vans Line that would be less than designing a whole new airplane... feel free to fill out the poll and put out some good info. Not looking for inputs of x-15 through biplane amphib :) Just specific low to medium cost options.... "ALSO--- here this... this is not in any way shape or form meant to have somebody get upset or think that we are trying to tell them how to do their job.... so no sourpuss responses please"
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I'm not an engineer, but it seems like it would be an easier option to ask one of the Van's engineers to figure out how to add some fuel to a wing and what it would do to it, and in the same manner increasing strength on things to enable higher power engines to be put in them.
It's always good for a company to have feedback from within the industry it serves, and a poll such as this could do that, but thought I would point out, quite a number of the projects that you propose would more likely kill a company that help it. Particularly when the economy is slowed a bit.

An example would be the first poll choice...All pre-punched RV-3 or 4.
This type of engineering is not just a fill in job to stay busy. To be able to build tooling for making all of the parts and have them match up exactly like all of the other P.P. kits. To do this with teh 3 or 4 would basically require the same engineering effort as any of the new kits. The reason for this is there are no computer models. It is all just the original drawings done by hand by Van. I doubt that there would be enough sales volume of this type of a kit upgrade to come even close to getting back the investment dollars. I believe that would be the case for the majority of the projects proposed in this poll.
Mach Hole / Prepunch QB

5 or 6 years ago I ask Van,, A lot of us would like a 3. Any thought of making a mach hole kit? He said sure, just "order 900 of them"

Most US Pilots are too fat to get in a 3 or 4. The sales show this.

The 8 is a wonderful airplane. Glad I have mine. Now I am just ready to fly the planes I have and help others along with theirs.

I voted for QB, prepunched 3 & 4 but it is not likely.
Light weight firewall forward option for RV-7

The RV-7A was designed to accommodate an angle valve 200 HP 360 engine and constant speed propeller. It is hard to get full access to the 100 lb. potential of the baggage area with a parallel valve O-360 and Catto composite prop. As strongly as Van stresses - "build it simple and light" I can't imagine he really wants us putting thirty pound crush plates on our props just so we can get the plane to balance in the sweet zone necessary to be able to carry the full 100 lb baggage limit. Sure would be nice to have a light weight firewall forward option.
The RV-7A was designed to accommodate an angle valve 200 HP 360 engine and constant speed propeller. It is hard to get full access to the 100 lb. potential of the baggage area with a parallel valve O-360 and Catto composite prop. As strongly as Van stresses - "build it simple and light" I can't imagine he really wants us putting thirty pound crush plates on our props just so we can get the plane to balance in the sweet zone necessary to be able to carry the full 100 lb baggage limit. Sure would be nice to have a light weight firewall forward option.

If you look in the Van's Aircraft Accessories catalog you will not find any fixed pitch wood or composite propellers offered.
Van's sells what they recommend be used.
It is true that many years ago Van advocated the use of light wood props on the 3, 4, and 6. Builders wanted to use heavier props so the later designs were engineered to account for that. If you choose to install a propeller on those models that is not what Van's recommends, there is a good chance you will an impact on baggage area payload capability. The stress is build light where able. Instrument panel, interior appointments, etc.
For cryin' out loud!
There is an RV3, an RV4, RV7, RV8, RV9, RV10, a generous assortment of A models. Pick one! Build it to plans, fly it, then if you can find something better, buy it or build it!
Leave Van's alone, they know what they're doing!
High wing.

For cryin' out loud!
There is an RV3, an RV4, RV7, RV8, RV9, RV10, a generous assortment of A models. Pick one! Build it to plans, fly it, then if you can find something better, buy it or build it!
Leave Van's alone, they know what they're doing!

I'm with Jon, but it's a pitty they can't come up with a high wing model........
I seem to recall... a long past issue of the RVator...Van (or Ken, or xxx) describing the market requirements of the "next" aircraft they would pursue...the one that is now known as the RV-10. I will look in my back issues and see what the date / issue number is...