
Well Known Member
Hi Guys, I just recently restarted my Rudder after taking some time off (~5 years...) and I was chugging along until I got to the Rudder counterbalance skin. The R 912 rib appears to have been stamped wrong. When looking at the web the bend for the flange is not symmetrical. One flange also measures about 0.050 taller than the other. I can almost force it in with clecos but I have a feeling the rib is wrong as the holes don't line up.

Has anyone else had this type of issue? I emailed pics to support two days ago but I haven't heard back yet. I'm planning on calling in the morning tomorrow.

It's very unlikely the rib is bent wrong. As I remember it took me some effort to cleco 912 initially. Just make sure the rib is flat and fluted if necessary. After you match drill everything should fall into its place.

I completed my rudder years ago and the pic is from 2006.


I see your kit # is very close to mine.
Here are a couple shots.

I'm thinking about reordering the skin and the rib. I had to force the Clecos in on the nose because the holes lined up so badly, on the unclecoed side in the pic the holes are so far off I don't feel that they can be made to line up.




I think it is unlikely that this is caused by a problem with the part. For skins like this, I think it is best to start at the front holes on both sides and work down both sides equally toward the back. The skin needs to be pulled into place, and it appears you have it pulled all the way to one side, leaving a problem on the other. It takes a bit of encouragement to get the skin to conform, but I bet you'll have better luck if you work both sides at once from front to back.
You have the right parts...

I just went through this with my rudder. The fit quality between the rib and the skin is very poor. I don't think you will do any better ordering a new one. Search the forum for "opinion on dent/crease" and you will see my post on this. Essentially, due to the poor fit the counter balance skin will "pull" down to the rib flange producing an indentation in the skin. I am planning on filling this with epoxy/microballoons when I finish the fiberglass anyway. I had this same problem with the fit on the horizontal stab skins and the center nose rib.
I don't see the problem, you do need to work with the rib to make the perfect fit. Get out some seaming pliers and fluting pliers and work the rib to the shape it needs to be. :)
I did some extreme fluting today and finally got it clecoed up fairly well. So far this part has been the biggest pain in the butt to fit that I remember.

Yeah Vlad, I took a 5 year break... Life got in the way and I finally have a place to can build and a job that allows me to hopefully pay as I go. I've literally been working on airplane parts again for a week now. I originally planned on a 10 year slowbuild, now I'm hoping to pick up the pace a bit and make it in ten.

Thanks Guys!
Agree with Karl

Start at the front and move towards the back on both sides at the same time. Takes a little tugging, but it will go into place.

Good luck,
