
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Louise and I are heading back to Texas from our Mountain retreat, and heard from a highly-placed and (usually) reliable source that several RV'ers had indicated that they might drop by RV Central this week between Christmas and New Years to put hands on tools for the RV-1 project. Not knowing anyone else's plans, we figured that we could swing by on Wednesday before heading back home to Houston, and I've talked to a few others that have said they'll be we hope to be at Hicks (T67) mid-morning to work until mid-afternoon.

There are lots of bits and pieces that have shown up at Jay's, waiting to be installed, so if you are off work and tired of hanging around the house, drop on by to join us. If you've got a flying RV and are within 300 nautical, it's a quick trip.... :)

Sounds like a good plan to get out of the house, it should be warming up by Weds so that will be good, I will plan on stopping by for a bit :D
It's going to be a great day to fly! I'll have an empty seat if someone in the Austin area wants a ride. Send a PM.

I'll need progressive taxi instructions to RV Central. The picture on Jay's web page has a LOT of buildings in it.

My main constraint is to be back on the ground at 3R9 before sunset.
Will Be There


I plan on making a trip over and look forward to meeting you, Louise, Ernie, Jay, and everyone else who will be there.

All the Best,

I'll need progressive taxi instructions to RV Central. The picture on Jay's web page has a LOT of buildings in it. <SNIP>

This may help those arriving for the fist time... and don't forget, Avery Tools is just a short walk from RV-Central!
If parking next to the hangar is full, there are tie-downs on the ramp at the approach end of 14... and it's just a short walk to the hangar.

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I had to back out, my boss will be out of town and asked me to cover for him. With luck, I'll be able to make it down later in the month or sometime in February.

My RV just needs to make such a trip!
This may help those arriving for the fist time... and don't forget, Avery Tools is just a short walk from RV-Central!
If parking next to the hangar is full, there are tie-downs on the ramp at the approach end of 14... and it's just a short walk to the hangar.

Perfect! All the info I needed. I was thinking a visit to Avery Tools was in order, I know I need something, even though I'm "done building".

Just about to head to the airpark.