
Active Member

Does anyone know how easy (hard?) this is to do and what the steps are? I'd appreciate any help.

thank you.
(I also posted this in the Canada forum and am trying here in the hope of reaching more people).
If the RV was professionally built the FAA will not allow it to be imported, because it doesn't meet the 51% rule. They can be quite adamant about it. Make sure that the builder gives you a paper trail how it was built..
If the RV was professionally built the FAA will not allow it to be imported, because it doesn't meet the 51% rule. They can be quite adamant about it. Make sure that the builder gives you a paper trail how it was built..

Since we don't allow "professionally built" amateur-builts in Canada, the point would seem to be moot? What do you mean by "professionally built"?
Rob - we do in fact allow professionally-built amateur-builts in Canada. You can hire as much of the build done as you can afford, as long as you retain full responsibility for managing the project and controlling the build.

In the US in order to check off the build tasks, you, the builder, must have "built aileron" or "installed landing gear". Here in Canada you don't actually have had to have been "hands on" in order to be the builder, you just have to have managed, overseen and taken full responsibility for the build. This is a very major difference between Canadian and US law.
one data point

I have no personal knowledge, but this outfit appears to have been building aircraft as 'amateur-built' ?..professionally. now THERE's an oxymoron. :)

ok, they call them 'experimental'....which really isn't even a thing in Canada anymore, eh?

No one really answered your question. I?ve done it 5 times.

The aircraft gets delivered to US home and gets exported. Registration marks removed and pics taken. Paperwork is sent to transport Canada asking to remove Canadian registration. When FAA confirms the registration is cancelled you can start your own registration process. Hire a DAR to conduct an inspection and it?s pretty much same paper work from there.