
Hi folks:
I am considering buying an RV registered in Canada. It was originally built and registered in the US, and then sold to a buyer in Canada 3 years ago.
If I buy and bring it back into the US, do I need to go through the Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing and DAR process all over again?

Appreciate any advice on the importation process.
Thank you.
Hi folks:
I am considering buying an RV registered in Canada. It was originally built and registered in the US, and then sold to a buyer in Canada 3 years ago.
If I buy and bring it back into the US, do I need to go through the Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing and DAR process all over again?
Appreciate any advice on the importation process.
Thank you.

If you can show proof that the airplane meets §21.191(g) and has been flight tested, to meet Phase I requirements, you will not need to repeat Phase I flight testing.
Proof that the airplane was certificated in the U.S. under §21.191(g) is sufficient to meet that requirement. If log books have Phase I flight testing signed off, you will not need to repeat the testing.
Thank you Mel. If the log books have the Phase 1 testing records, a DAR will still have to inspect the aircraft, correct?

If you can show proof that the airplane meets §21.191(g) and has been flight tested, to meet Phase I requirements, you will not need to repeat Phase I flight testing.
Proof that the airplane was certificated in the U.S. under §21.191(g) is sufficient to meet that requirement. If log books have Phase I flight testing signed off, you will not need to repeat the testing.
I purchased an RV-4 built in California and sold to Canada a couple of years ago. I had the seller hop it across the border. I flew it home from there. I had to cancel the Canadian registration and wait for them to notify the FAA. Then I needed a DAR to inspect it and issue a new airworthiness certificate and letter limitations. He went mostly by the old U.S. airworthiness certificate.

It is legal to fly in the U.S. on the Canadian registration . . . probably forever. I think it depends alot on the DAR. Mine was mostly interested in the $1,500. I didn't have original logs or built logs or documentation of Phase I.
Thank you Mel. If the log books have the Phase 1 testing records, a DAR will still have to inspect the aircraft, correct?

Yes, A FSDO or DAR must inspect the aircraft and issue new airworthiness certificate and op lims.
In this case of the aircraft, the Canadian owner does not have the original US airworthiness certification. Would I be able to get that from the FAA based on the old tail number and serial number?
Thank you
Yes, A FSDO or DAR must inspect the aircraft and issue new airworthiness certificate and op lims.