
Well Known Member
UPDATE: the plane I was interested in has sold so thanks to everyone who made suggestions.

[almost a cross post] I'm trying to find an A&P (or AI) with RV experience that can travel up to the Tacoma area for a pre-purchase inspection. I thought I might have more luck if I extended my search into Oregon. Does anyone have a recommendation I could contact ?
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Welcome to VAF!!!!

Glen, welcome to VAF.

Have you checked with Vans??

Good to have you here at VAF, enjoy!!
Good suggestions!

I actually went to Vans website but had an odd feeling they were pretty busy supporting their builders. I guess I was over thinking this one. I have a message in with AOPA but would like someone familiar with RVs and if AOPA came back with a general recommendation, I wanted to cross reference with this group.

As for being "new here". It is true but I got my "RV grin" many years ago with a visit to Vans and a ride in their first RV-8. Love at first flight!
Check Northwest Air Tech

The fellows at Northwest Airtech on the field at Kelso, WA. have helped me with my RV9A many times.

They are great guys and very thorough.
SOLVED - thanks!

Wow! This membership is active and helpful! I have called Northwest Air Tech and they will do a pre-purchase inspection for me.

I really appreciated all the recomendations !
pre buy

I am a retired airline pilot, A&P; IA; CFI and DAR; I can perform a pre buy, condition inspection, evaluation, transition training, and BFR if you need. I am located on Independence State Airport near Salem, Oregon

Gary Brown (503) 269-3907 [email protected]