
I started the tail of my -7 only two weeks ago and I am really enjoying this! I like to build things, but have never started a project that would take this long. This is fun :D

I definitely surprised myself. I have been so far fortunate enough dedicate 2-3 hours daily, with 10-12 combined hours on the weekends. It's more than I though I would do but I don't mind, it's mind-numbingly satisfying.

I must have left a door open, because some bug just bit me in the butt!

(That same bug, however, has not motivated me to transfer the photos from my camera to my computer. I guess I'll have to work on that in my spare time)
Don't be surprised if...

your head starts swelling some as your self-confidence grows:D

"Gee...look what I made!!" kinda attitude!

Watch out for dry mouth........ grinning too much will let the air in and dry out your mouth.

Oh, and prepare yourself and your family mentally when the neighbors look at your house funny and say; "He's building an EXPERIMENTAL airplane?!":eek: Be prepared for all kinds of stupid comments. "How are you gonna get it to the airport?", "Will it fly", "Why is that bolt missing?", "Why are the wings over there?, Don't they fit?", and my personal favorite; "I'd never fly in there!"....they're right. ;)
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