It'll show up before you know it. I think mine arrived in just a day or two, but then I live pretty close to the factory.

Good luck!

cjensen said:
congrats! that's great news!

what's the tail number stand for??
Well, her name is going to be "Great Balls 'o Fire", so BF is Balls and Fire. When I went to reserve the tail number I could get 71BF 72BF, 91BF, 92BF, or 40BF. I considered that 71BF COULD mean RV 7 , 1st one, and reserve 72BF for my 2nd one, but in the end, I just wanted to be able to say Four Zero Bravo Foxtrot, not Seven One Bravo Foxtrot...

So anyway, i'm working on the paint scheme in my mind already :).
Woohoo, FedEx brought my kit today. I inventoried it, and everything seems to be there. Now to get the tools coming and finish setting up the shop. I'm EXCITED!!!!