
Active Member
Just was checking around, and found out that my SLSA RV-12 that I just bought is RV-12 SLSA NUMBER ONE!

I own the first SLSA RV12!

I know that's no real big deal, but it kind of sets mine apart from others, being the first and all.
VERY NICE!! Put it in storage. In a couple hundred years it will be a collectors piece and worth millions!!
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number one

I think that is worth noting, since I am number 1,000....that is quite a distance apart, but part of a very special group....the thing that interests me is how many are completed in between you and me...glad you posted...
Actually #1 is the factory prototype (N412RV), and #2 is the factory demonstrator that Mitch has on the east coat (112VA).
You may have the first that was delivered to a customer though.

BTW, the serial # scheme used for S-LSA and E-LSA are different so there is no correlation between the two.
I had the pleasure of giving George Longino his RV-12 demo flight in the blue RV-12 I built which led to the purchase of his S-LSA RV-12. I was certainly pleased to see that he received the first delivered S-LSA. He called me prior to putting it on the market. I was saddened that he was considering the sale but happy that he enjoyed the aircraft as much as he did. George is a fine man and we will miss him from the Van's Aircraft family.
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First lesson on Thursday!

Last friday was supposed to be the big day, but we found a couple issues which we fixed.

Since I knew they used AVgas for the delivery, and in checking I found some water (loose gas cap) the decision was made to completely drain the tank, every last drop. Let me tell you, when it gets to the bottom of the tank, it drains ssssllloooowwwwllllyyyy.

Someone must have walked into the stall warning tab on the leading edge of the wing, as it was bent upwards and didn't trigger a warning when lifted, so we fixed that too.

Changed the oil and filter, she's ready now for sure.

I'm a mechanic, and went over everything, found some loose hose clamps, put heat shrink tubing on all the cable ends so they don't fray, also found the brake resevoir underfilled, so we topped that off.

Looking forward to finally getting into the air!
We got everything fixed on N232VA! Drained 20 gallons of fuel, no way I'm taking a chance on water in the fuel due to a mal-adjusted gas cap, and delivery and sitting in the rain.

Got the water separated out, but was stuck with 20 gallons of leaded /unleaded fuel!

Luckily, I found a guy at a gas station driving an old truck, asked him if he wanted some free gas.

He was SO HAPPY! He had borrowed $5 to get home, and I filled his tank to overflow, sent him happily on his way, and I got rid of 17 of the 20 gallons.

Fueled up the plane, fixed the stall sensor, put a new gas plunger/gascolator in place (old one was decayed), added brake fluid to a very low resevoir, replaced one broken exhaust spring, changed the oil and filter, and went over every nut and bolt, found a bunch of loose hose clamps, so now I KNOW everything under the cowling is PERFECT.

BIG thanks to an EAA member fellow RV12 builder/owner Kevin for taking the time to show me everything about my plane, and help me with everything!

I'm off for my first lesson today at 5!
Today's lesson went off without a hitch!

A monumental day for me. If you'd known me 16 years ago, you wouldn'y have thought I'd live another year, then open heart surgery last year, lots of life tests, but today, I flew in my own airplane, that I bought, and life is good, great in fact.

Cherish every day you wake up.