
Well Known Member
Hi everyone. Thought I would introduce myself. After a lot of searching which almost felt like a quest at times, I am proud to officially join the VANS community as an owner.

My first build was a Sonex. The goal was to see if I liked owning and building. One of those was proved true, I love owning my own plane. The other, not so much. I love spending my time in the air, no question about that.

The search for an RV took the better part of a year. After a several failed attempts, followed by a failed pre-buy, my luck changed and a perfect bird popped up not far from my home base.

Thanks to Vic for all the help and time over the past year. I have learned a lot and look forward to learning from everyone.

I am now a proud owner of an RV-9A tip up powered by an O-320. I've logged 14 hours in the past week and couldn't be happier. So glad to be a Vans owner. Hope to meet some of you at Oshkosh this year.

I'd post a pic, but don't think I can yet. May be too new to the forum. :)
Hey Josh, so that was an expensive RV-12 ride I gave you eh? The Rv grin doesn't wash off or fade away. No more tinkering, enjoy the new bird. Bob K at Lewis.

Glad to see you over here. I saw your report of you buying an RV9A on the Sonex board along with the post about the sale of your Sonex.

I finished my 14 last summer, got it painted over the winter and got back from Sun n Fun with 160 hours on it.

Fly down to the south side sometime. I'm at C56 (Bult field) in Monee. I have my Sonex and my 14 crammed in my hanger. I've sadly decided to sell my Sonex this summer. I have over 400 hours on it.

You'll love the RV.

Those are beginner numbers, you gotta pick those up.

Sounds like I need to go flying tonight as it's unacceptable to not represent the Vans community properly. :D

It's great to hear from you Bob K. Look forward to the first set of Young Eagles as that is my favorite thing to do. I am also looking at getting into the Pilots for Paws organization as well. The RV grin definitely bit me and I am so happy to be powered by a Lycoming vs. my prior power plant.

Bob M, I would love to come down and see your 14! Perhaps in the next few weeks after I work through a few open items on the plane.
