
Legacy Member
My panel has a 496 mounted in an AirGizmo PanelDoc and wired into the electrical system.

On a recent flight I realized the 496 wasn't powering up with the Avionics Master. Figuring that I must have a problem with either the power or ground wire I got out my handy multi-meter and started snooping around.

I found that the ground connection was solid but the voltage coming off the positive lead was just under 10, even though the battery was fully charged.

Next up was to test the voltage coming from the circuit breaker and I found that only a few volts were getting past the breaker. Pulling and resetting it didn't change the voltage. While I was at it, I checked the other breakers on the avionics buss and they all report well over 12 volts with only the 3 amp GPS breaker registering low.

Before I order a replacement breaker, I would like to know if any of you ever experienced this before?
Cycle it a dozen or more times, and recheck the voltage.
That was the easiest fix EVER!


Yes had exactly the same problem...... replaced the breaker.

While cycling the breaker forty or fifty times got it to work, I will order a replacement.

Five years and 500 hours until death, not too bad.


BTW this is the second breaker to go bad on my RV. Early on I went through two breaker - switches for my fuel pump. Leaving the canopy closed on a hot ramp during the summer would prevent the breaker-switch from staying on. The third on was more heat tolerant than the first two.
You now get the rating of "Astronaut Candidate Trainee Assistant Third Class" Bill. The first fix for a loss of power on a Shuttle system (with no associated spikes) was to cycle the breaker once. If it stayed in, but didn't conduct, we then cycled it five times (to scrub the contacts). That usually worked. Remember, those birds were thirty years old....
You now get the rating of "Astronaut Candidate Trainee Assistant Third Class" Bill. The first fix for a loss of power on a Shuttle system (with no associated spikes) was to cycle the breaker once. If it stayed in, but didn't conduct, we then cycled it five times (to scrub the contacts). That usually worked. Remember, those birds were thirty years old....

Thanks Paul!

I did reset it a few times in flight but to no avail. After about the 50th reset, it started working again. Go figure. Still, I need to order a replacement.
Yes, they are pullable------what I have in the 10.

OK, but are they a drop-in replacement for the Tyco's? I have the solid buss bar attached to one of the screws. (Which needs to come out to replace one breaker.)
Sorry Bill, dont know the answer to that one.

Hopefully someone here will respond with the answer.
You might check with Stein - or just advertise to see if anyone has a spare! I switched to the tiny Klixxons when we built Tsam and redid Mikey - used the Tyco's on the Val, and they are much larger.