Well Known Member
I'm in some new kind of pergatory....
My RV-8 is done, I've submitted the paperwork to the MIDO, and the nice man called me to resubmit the 8130-6 with the A.D. box checked and the current bi-weekly update entered. I guess that wasn't described well in the EAA certification packet...or I missed it. Also, they want a picture of the data plate. That's a new one.
The DAR I suggested has been assigned and everthing seems to be working in the right direction.
I just don't have anything to do on N89SE until the DAR comes out and inspects. I've checked everything a bunch of times, added chaffing protection, adell clamps, etc until I can't really think of anything else...
I know a homebuilt plane is 'never really done' I have wheel pants and leg fairings, some more painting etc. etc. But for now, it's ready fo the Airworthiness inspection and sign off - or work list followed by sign off.
I wait.
If you haven't already I would suggest investing more time on your test plan... assembling and briefing your team, planning all the test cards, planning for contingencies, preparing ballast for full aft/forward C.G., ..... unusual attitude training, .....

I under estimated how much planning and prep it takes to correctly plan and fly a 40 hour test plan.

Also, if you think you have sealed all the air leaks in your baffle/low pressure area, I'll bet you a cold beer that soon after your first flight you will looking for (and finding) ways to decrease your CHTs and oil temps.

Good luck with the airworthiness inspection. Sounds like you are well prepared.
A photo of the data plate? That is a new one. A criticism of the FAA is that the regional offices tend to be their own little kingdoms, so that what's required in one area is not required in another, etc.
Before the DAR comes, invite a bunch of your flying buddies over for burgers and brats. Hand each one a notepad and pencil, point them at the airplane, and tell them to note everything they find that is wrong, not fastened/secured/safety wired properly or anything that just looks out of place.

You could also get an Aircraft Spruce gift certificate or something similar and tell them there's a prize for the person who finds the most things wrong so you know they'll really look...

I know some folks who have done this, and they said it was a great way to get "another set of eyes" on the project. They also said it was surprising how many things were found.

Congrats on being 99.999% done! :D
Before the DAR comes, invite a bunch of your flying buddies over for burgers and brats. Hand each one a notepad and pencil, point them at the airplane, and tell them to note everything they find that is wrong, not fastened/secured/safety wired properly or anything that just looks out of place.

You could also get an Aircraft Spruce gift certificate or something similar and tell them there's a prize for the person who finds the most things wrong so you know they'll really look...

I know some folks who have done this, and they said it was a great way to get "another set of eyes" on the project. They also said it was surprising how many things were found.

Congrats on being 99.999% done! :D

Great idea.
Course you could go a different route

Maybe your DAR would prefer an ice cold Bud while he's inspecting. Have a chest full ready for him and for the celebration to follow after he hands you the pink sheet. Also you have to "wet" down the wings so you might look to that.
Good Luck! Bill of Georgia RV-8A Bluebird
Thou shall not tempt thy DAR

No, no, no! He's on official business. The cold adult beverage shall only be offered when your inspection is (successfully) completed and he's off the clock. Make sure he understands this before he begins, lest he feel you're trying to improperly influence him.

I made it!
DAR Charlie Cotton did the honors!
N89SE is now an Aircraft.
This forum was a big help.
My engine developed an oil leak on the first taxi test, but that's another issue...
You can see a picture of Charlie presenting the Airworthiness Certificate to me in front of N89SE in my link below.
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I made it!
DAR Charlie Cotton did the honors!
N89SE is now an Aircraft.

Scott, a Big Congrats :D:D:D


So, what is the engine??