
Member the -9A! A public thanks to Bob Kelly for introducing me to world of RVs this afternoon! He was gracious enough to take me flying in his -9A this evning...there are simply no words to describe my amazement at the performance. It was hot, we were heavy and still saw climb rates and cruise speeds higher than almost any single engine airplane I've flown. I'm simply astounded that you can get that kind of performance on just an O-320 with a fixed pitch prop.

Jason Cutter
(Officially hooked on RVs)

Now you just need to pull the trigger and place an order for the empennage.

I'd like to give a shout out to Doug Rohrer who took me up in his 9A a week ago. I was moving my daughter into her dorm and made a side trip over to his hangar while I was in town.

I am in the finishing stage now on mine and needed that RV fix to help keep me moving forward. It had been four years since I've been up in an RV.


Thanks for the shout out! Come by next time you visit your daughter and we will do it again. I hope to see your project sometime.
