
Active Member
Hello all,

Like many here, after years of dreaming and other things getting in the way, I am finally starting with my flying lessons this coming week. I already have a appt. with a local doctor who does the medical evals for pilots but I am confused. I know that at one time a 3rd class medical was required and I have been reading some of the basicmed thread and don't know what I need. It appears that you can only do basic med if you have already had a 3rd class medical. Is that correct? I have never had a 3rd class medical so do I need that or do I simply need the new basic med eval?

Future plans include starting an RV build before the end of the year. I just don't know what I want for sure. I am seriously considering both the RV-7 and RV-9. Once I get my license, eventually, I hope to get a ride in both a 7 and 9 since I don't know for sure whether I want an aerobatic plane or simply a long legged cruiser.

Thanks for the help.
In order to use the BasicMed process, you need to have had a 3rd Class medical exam in the past 10 years. Since you've never had one, then you need to get one through the appointment you have made.
Since this is your first medical, most people will strongly urge you to do some research and ensure that you can pass it. There are statements you can make, or drugs that you have taken that can turn into months and many thousands of dollars to get the medical, or outright denial. There are legal convictions that can make you ineligible. Any sort of mental health diagnosis and/or medications can make you ineligible. If you are unsure about any thing that could make you ineligible, do not start a medical without first discussing your situation with an AME with a track record of difficult issuances. Dr Bruce Chen's name comes up alot in difficult situations. Some basic things are to make sure you have documentation for any medical procedures you have had in the last 3 or so years, make sure any meds you are on are not on the banned list, your blood pressure is good, your not on any banned drugs, your vision is good, etc.
NO, mine is a slightly different case. Due to the surgery incident I had and subsequent hospitalization, they wanted some details. The AME wasnt concerned about it.

Mike---that is a good statement---and is what I am doing now. For Mr. GhostRiders knowledge, and others out there, since my surgery incident was in November 2015, the FAA wanted a statement about the issue. The AME I saw wasnt concerned about it, but had to pass it up the chain.

Somewhat off topic but....

1. You may want to join AOPA if you haven't already. They have many great resources for student pilots, and can answer telephone questions on everything from medicals to Bahamian airport procedures. AOPA plus this board = unbeatable sources of info.

2. If resources permit, if the medical goes okay, and if you remain fired up for aviation after your first few instructional flights, you may want to consider delaying the RV kit purchase -- and instead buying an economical used trainer like a 152. You can actually save money getting your private in your own plane, and even better, you will control aircraft scheduling. A 152 will also give you something to fly (reasonably) cheaply for a while after you are licensed. You will probably also be able to sell it without taking too much of a loss when you move into RV world, whether building or buying used.

My main aviation mistakes have been (a) not buying a 152 or the like when I was training, (b) waiting too long to get my instrument rating, and (c) flying my Warrior for too long, when I could have moved up to a used RV. I loved the Warrior, but I'm still in awe of how well the RV-9A fits my flying mission. The thing is flat out AWESOME.

I realize that the idea of delaying a kit purchase may be heresy on a Vans board. :)

Hello all,

Like many here, after years of dreaming and other things getting in the way, I am finally starting with my flying lessons this coming week. I already have a appt. with a local doctor who does the medical evals for pilots but I am confused. I know that at one time a 3rd class medical was required and I have been reading some of the basicmed thread and don't know what I need. It appears that you can only do basic med if you have already had a 3rd class medical. Is that correct? I have never had a 3rd class medical so do I need that or do I simply need the new basic med eval?

Future plans include starting an RV build before the end of the year. I just don't know what I want for sure. I am seriously considering both the RV-7 and RV-9. Once I get my license, eventually, I hope to get a ride in both a 7 and 9 since I don't know for sure whether I want an aerobatic plane or simply a long legged cruiser.

Thanks for the help.
In addition, if you are under 40, a 3rd class medical is good for 5 years, which is way less trouble and hassle than BasicMed. So, if you pass your very first 3rd class medical, then you should be good to go for it again when it comes up. I'm planning on renewing my 3rd class when I am 39 so I'll be good for another 5 years.
As far as I can tell, Basic Med is good news to the pilots who previously were forced to jump thru time consuming and expensive waivers every year, for some reason that, really, makes little medical sense. OTOH, Basic Med has at least two issues. (1) At this time, it is not clear if you can fly to Canada under Basic Med; (2) you may not serve as Safety pilot under Basic Med if the PIC is under the hood. I urge people to be very careful here. This is an absurd stance, clearly the FAA doesn't like being told what to do, and is opposing Basic Med where they can. I will not be surprised if they try to enforce this. So you (and you friend) need to be prepared to swear to the FAA that the owner under the hood really meant it when he relinquished PIC responsibilities to his friend the safety pilot. (Of course, a lot of insurance policies won't allow that, so you may be between a rock and a hard place). What we really need is for Congress to fix this loophole, get Canada on-board, and get on with things.
Basic Med just saved the bohunkus of a friend of mine, for exactly the reason you mention: a medical issue that made no difference to the safety of his flying nevertheless made renewing his Third Class a dicey proposition -- and if he had gone for it and gotten turned down, he'd be toast forever. Pricey testing and lengthy delays were another good possibility, even if he got an SI. Instead, he went with Basic Med and is good to go.

It seems to me that unless someone has a real need for a Third Class, their next renewal should be through Basic Med. That's because going through Basic Med is just as likely to identify actual health problems (which is important!), AND because applying through Basic Med adds zero risk to one's flying chances. Applying for a Third Class always presents risks (including the risk of bureaucratic screwups and delays that are TOTALLY unrelated to flight safety), and of course a denial has catastrophic consequences.

As far as I can tell, Basic Med is good news to the pilots who previously were forced to jump thru time consuming and expensive waivers every year, for some reason that, really, makes little medical sense. ...
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Hi all. I went to the AME and passed. Now I have my 3rd class medical. Woohoo. I have been waiting for over a decade to start flying and it's coming soon.

My story is like 99% of everyone else's story. Marriage, kids, house payment, etc..... Sometimes life just has higher priorities than flying but eventually it seems to finally become doable. I'm still married with children but they are a whole lot older now :) and no more house payments. I look forward to becoming more active in aviation and this forum and meeting all of the new people and seeing all of the new places I can.

Two of my greatest aviation desires is to do Oshkosh and a Bahamas trip like Rosie and that group does. Someday......