
Well Known Member
3.5 years so far in the making, and today my basement shop is a messy void. No pics yet because I'm too whooped from moving stuff to mess with that. Enough about me.

Today was a really neat day to remind me what a great bunch of folks this hobby brings you into contact with. I had one of those "it takes a village" days with GA.

Kahuna was my first villager, volunteering his truck to transport wings in. Thanks Mike. The dents will come out, I promise.

Within minutes of arriving at the airport with my fuse piggy back on a tow truck, my first visitor shows up. Fellow RV'er, Kai, shows up to welcome me to the airport. His RV6 went through the same rite of passage at LZU 3 years ago. Even though it's been years since those days, he relayed his great memories of that time with such exuberance that he was quite successful in adding a few more notches of excitement and anticipation of things to come.

A couple EAA690'ers showed up just moments later and helped me unload my wings from the truck. They volunteered tools, information, and the promise of future help if needed. Larry Bishop, local EAA'er and tech counselor, was not far behind with, offering the same.

Then fellow VAF'er Steve Ashby showed up to say hello and give my alumababy a friendly look-see. I'll have to keep my eye on him since he seemed to be checking out whether my engine would look good on the -8 he's building. :) Sorry Steve, this is a -7 engine. There's a difference, I promise.

My final visitor, Bill, A nearby hangar neighbor taxis up in his Grumman. Ah, the smell of avgas and oil, something that I haven't partaken of in far too long. Bill hangared the Grumman and came over to hello. He eyed my wingless wonder and relayed that he's been looking at rv7's and rv9's for a while. I've offered to give him an RV grin as soon as they'll let me.

As I pull out from the airport, quite exhausted from the day's events, my phone buzzes. With perfect timing, there is a text message from Kahuna telling me what a great today was to move. "Done" I replied. And thanks.


Don I am 1.5 years behind you and cannot wait until the move to the airport happens. Still number 34 on the waiting list for hangars. Indeed the RV building builds the friendship.
Stop BS'g on this board and get that airplane flying.
You have work to do.
Chop Chop!