I have configured my PFD1 (GDU 370) Bearing Pointers to VLOC1 (GNS 430W) and VLOC2 (SL30). When either NAV is tuned to a VOR, the correct station identifier is displayed in the associated Bearing Pointer window on the GDU 370. But, when I tune my home airport's ILS frequency, "NO DATA" is displayed where I expected to see the ILS identifier ("IPRC" in my specific case). If I listen to my NAV1 or NAV2 audio (and the ILS frequency is tuned), I hear the morse tones for "IPRC". Localizer green needle and Glideslope green diamond work just fine - the AP flies the approach beautifully down to minimums.

G3X Pilot Guide (Rev Q) states, on page 88:

When a bearing pointer is displayed, its associated information window is also displayed. The Bearing Information Windows are displayed at the lower sides of the HSI. The following information may be displayed in the Bearing Information Windows:​
  • Bearing source (NAV, GPS)
  • Pointer icon (single lined or double lined)
  • Frequency (NAV)
  • Station/waypoint identifier (NAV, GPS)
  • GPS-derived great circle distance to bearing source
If an external NAV radio is the bearing source and it is tuned to an ILS frequency, the bearing source and the bearing pointer are removed from the HSI and the frequency is replaced with “ILS”. If VLOC1 or VLOC2 is the bearing source and it is tuned to a VOR frequency, the frequency is replaced with the station identifier. If GPS is the bearing source, the active waypoint identifier is displayed in lieu of a frequency.​
The bearing pointer is removed from the HSI and “NO DATA” is displayed in the information window if:​
  • The NAV radio is not receiving the tuned VOR station
  • GPS is the bearing source and an active waypoint is not selected
So my interpretation of the emphasized text above is that I'm never going to see the actual ILS identifier in the Bearing Pointer window, but rather "ILS". In my case, I only see "NO DATA" above "LOC1" or "LOC2". I was expecting to see "IPRC" above "LOC1" or "LOC2" in my situation.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or correct my expectations?
