
Well Known Member
I flew this approach last weekend and picked up loc, and identified, but never picked up a glide slope. Tried it again today and was not able to identify the signal with the Morse code. The glide slope came in but no localizer. I tuned a local VOR and was able to identify it and got it to show up on the hsi. I flew to another airport and had the same thing happen on their ILS. I picked up a GS but no LOC. I was able to revert to a rnav approach and continue but something is obviously wrong.

I have a garmin gtn 650 and a skyview touch efis. I did hit the CDI button and was on vloc and nothing was notamed out.

Any ideas as to where I should start looking for something?
It has always worked up until now.

Is the VOR and the GS on a different antennae than the LOC?
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It has always worked up until now.

Is the VOR and the GS on a different antennae than the LOC?

No. Same antenna. No box I know of can swap antennas for ILS. Maybe something amiss with the freg tuning of the ILS. Or maybe not. Your GS showed up, and the LOC and GS are paired. Hmm. Bad box or LOC went down and tower did not notice? All guesses. Good luck.
The not being able to identify by the morse code baffles me though.

I checked and double checked the frequency on both approaches and it was correct. The odd thing that does point to that though was that the little text under the ils freq did not list the airport ils that I was at like it usually does.

If it was tuned incorrectly, how would I pick up the GS?

Don't maintenance crews turn off the identifier when they're working on a navaid? Might check notams.
Yes they do, and they have a notam for service at one of those airports for this week, but as I said in the OP, there were no notams for yesterday and this happened at two different airports, neither with a notam for the ILS.