pierre smith

Well Known Member
Yesterday, while shooting an ILS during my instrument refresher, the LOC needle on the Dynon's HSI page lay left-to-right, instead of vertical, as it should. It works fine in VOR mode but we couldn't figure out how to turn it so it was vertically oriented. The SL-30 disables the OBS knob in LOC mode.

According to the Dynon manual, it says to set the course using the softkeys below the HSI. Well, I just got out of the airplane with only the Dynon turned on and couldn't rotate the HSI. All I found were the BUGs settings. Maybe Dynon means set the bug when it says "Set the course"??

How do you rotate the HSI in LOC mode? Or can you even? I just want the LOC needle vertically oriented.

Pierre, I guess you mean you'd like to set the course needle to the inbound course, correct? (You are right, the SL30 will not allow you to use OBS mode while on LOC.) if so, this easily done if you have an HS34, just set the course needle to the inbound course using the knob. If you don't have an HS34 you'll need to use the soft keys below the HSI indictor on the D-100. Hope this helps.

From the D-100 Pilot's Manual:

"When in ILS mode, the SL-30 disables the OBS knob, and thus you must use the soft keys below the HSI in order to set the course."

"When using the HS34 you can set the OBS using the COURSE knob. When properly configured, the HS34 sends course information to the NAV radio, just like a mechanical HSI or CDI does. When using an SL-30, the HS34?s knob must be used to set the OBS; the SL30?s OBS is overridden by the course information sent out by the HS34."
Thanks Jim, but....

...it doesn't explain HOW you use the softkeys to do that. I pressed the menu and more several times but can't find how to "set the course",

I don't know for sure because I have an HS-34 and "just turn the knob," but I suspect it is one of the first-order menus like the Altimeter setting.
If you have the HSI up on the right 1/3 of the screen, press the button just to the left of the far right button. If you keep your HSI on the left 1/3 of the screen, use the button just to the right of the far left button.

This will get you into the root page of the HSI menu.

In this menu you should have the following buttons:

NAVSRC (this lets you pick between the DG, NAV or GPS sources)

BUG (same as the bug menu)

COURSE (only active when you have the NAVSRC set to NAV)

SCALE (only active when you have the NAVSRC set to GPS)

Use the buttons under the COURSE button to change the OBS setting of the HSI when the SL30 is tuned to a LOC frequency.

Or just install an HS34 as this unlocks the full potential of the EHSI on the Dynon system!!!!
Try this simple fix..........................

...... It works fine in VOR mode but we couldn't figure out how to turn it so it was vertically oriented. The SL-30 disables the OBS knob in LOC mode.......


For my D10, I tune the radio to a vor freq, set the OBS to the ILS course, then tune back to tot he ILS. Seems to work every time. Otherwise the thing sometimes gets confused and points the wrong way.

The steering info is still good when it does that, but that's no way to fly.
Thanks guys....

Brian, Steve,

That's exactly what I was looking for......yeah, flying the localizer with a horizontal needle is a PITA. Ray Lawrence at his builder assist center in Sandersville showed me an HS-34 in a -6....it is the way to go.


...it doesn't explain HOW you use the softkeys to do that. I pressed the menu and more several times but can't find how to "set the course",


I think it does....

Perhaps you don't have the split screen up with an HSI showing. With the HSI up, pressing a key below the HSI will allow you to set the course needle. If however you have the full EFIS screen showing there's no way to set the course needle since the SL30 OBS knob won't work. Personally, I fly with EFIS 2/3 and HSI 1/3. Good luck.

What is your screen setup and how do you normally run them?

Do you have a dual screen setup?

Which one do you keep the HSI up on?

If it is dual, which one is the master?

I think I have heard that the master is the only one that can control the HSI settings.

So.... If you have a dual screen and you are trying to use the HSI on the slave, that might be your problem. Just thinking of reasons why you might not see the course button under the HSI menu.
Hi again....

...Brian, I'm running a D120 and it feeds EMS info to the D-100 which I run 2/3 EFIS on the left and the HSI 1/3 on the right.

I just went out to the airplane and ran the D-100 on its own power and had the HSI screen showing. I also pressed the button next to the far right one and the menu came up but no Navsrc button. I then pressed 'more' and still no navsrc. I eventually found an HSI button and when I pressed it, it brought up the HSI setup screen so I exited.
So, no navsrc and no 'course' yet.

The SL-30 must be receiving a valid LOC signal for the D100 to present the "course" legend above the third button from the right. Otherwise, it's blank and no function available. I played with this very problem a week ago, purposely ducking in and out of signal coverage to repeatedly verify. If the SL-30 says "FLAGGED", there's no "course" button (well, the button's there, the Dynon isn't in a mode to set the course.)

This is a bit of a pain for those of us who like to crank in frequencies and settings in anticipation of need.

John Siebold

I decided to turn the master switch on this time and ...bingo navsrc and course buttons. The airplane's in my hangar with no GPS or LOC ability, so I'm assuming that in order to select a navsource, that I need to have reception of both GPS and LOC or just either one.

When I press the 'course' button, then increment/decrement buttons appear on the left but pressing either one doesn't change the course indicator on the HSI (in the hangar).

I suppose I need to go fly and have signal available because it looks like I'm putting the cart before the horse.


Oh, BTW, it's version 4.2 or something....I did manage to find that.

I feel a little intimidated trying to install vers. 5
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Oh, BTW, it's version 4.2 or something....I did manage to find that.

I feel a little intimidated trying to install vers. 5


There are a ton of new features and fixes moving up from 4.2...It is really not that hard to upgrade the firmware in these things as long as you know there are no issues with your hardware and you have a computer with a good serial port or a USB converter that works well with the operating system you have on the computer.

If you screw it up, Dynon can fix it..:D

I feel a little intimidated trying to install vers. 5


There are a ton of new features and fixes moving up from 4.2...It is really not that hard to upgrade the firmware in these things as long as you know there are no issues with your hardware and you have a computer with a good serial port or a USB converter that works well with the operating system you have on the computer.

If you screw it up, Dynon can fix it..:D



Give me a call some time and I'll be happy to walk through the upgrade. It is really very easy.

So the advice given here so far is right - you hit the HSI menu button (if the HSI is on the right, that'll be button 5), hit NAVSRC, then INC/DEC should spin the course. We've fixed/improved various aspects of the way the EFIS/SL30 interact over the last few firmware versions, so updating may help dial in your behavior as well. Also, the SL30 indicator type (within the SL30 setup) should be set to NONE.