
Well Known Member
I just got a notice from the IL department of transportation saying that I have to register with them and pay a $10.00 fee. At the back of the form it says "Operation of an aircraft without proper registration of a Federal Airman Certificate is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. See 620ILCS 5/42 (1992) IL Complied Statutes."

What the heck it this and is this normal for all States. Why do I have to register myself when I got my PPL? Is it because I live in the people republic of Illinois? I'm kind of pissed right now but if this is normal, I'll calm down. Just to clarify, they want me to register, not an aircraft I'm building or own.
First I have ever heard of it! I would be pissed also! Why do that have a aeronautics branch? MONEY!
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I just got a notice from the IL department of transportation saying that I have to register with them and pay a $10.00 fee. At the back of the form it says "Operation of an aircraft without proper registration of a Federal Airman Certificate is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. See 620ILCS 5/42 (1992) IL Complied Statutes."

What the heck it this and is this normal for all States. Why do I have to register myself when I got my PPL? Is it because I live in the people republic of Illinois? I'm kind of pissed right now but if this is normal, I'll calm down. Just to clarify, they want me to register, not an aircraft I'm building or own.

My CFI who checked me out up in KUGN told me about it. Apparently it is normal in this state.
A couple years ago Washington State tried this too. I had to pay $10 annually that they argued went for search and rescue and other state aviation costs. I even got a paper ID card. For some reason, they no longer do as far as I know. Not sure if they didn't have jurisdiction or whether it was something else, but I do remember a discussion about why it was dropped.
Welcome to Illinois

They have been doing this for as long as I remember. I have lived here all my life. I don't have my copy handy but I know it is good for two years. When you do get a plane, you will have to register that too and pay taxes on it.

N694BP reserved
Same in Oregon, we're required to have a "Pilot Registration Certificate" as required by ORS 837.020, and our aircraft are also required to be registered...all funds go to "payment of expenses incurred for the air search and rescue program" comment on that other than any bureaucracy will grow to the extent of funds it can legislate to itself...and then some, so that more are always needed...
Let me give you another one from Illinois... went over this morning to title & license an old airport truck that I bought. Stopped at the bank to get cash for the seller, got enough for title etc (didn't think to bring my checkbook along.) At the licensing bureau, they took cash for the title and license, but don't accept cash for the sales tax. Can't send the form in separate so I tracked down a bank (different town from my home) and purchased a money order. Couldn't figure that logic out at all. Welcome to the (socialist) state of Illinois.
At the back of the form it says "Operation of an aircraft without proper registration of a Federal Airman Certificate is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. See 620ILCS 5/42 (1992) IL Complied Statutes."

Hmmm... Seems that that statement would apply to everyone that fly into, out of or over the state. Every pilot of every aircraft right?

I've never heard of it but I guess it's considered normal in IL. Maybe its been around so long no one questions it?

Just wondering, does the state maintain a fleet of search and rescue aircraft standing by or even someone actually monitoring the radio to come find you or do they use CAP and local assets like the rest of the country?
I lived in Illinois for almost 20 years and unless things have changed since I moved back to Missouri, I don't understand much of what I am reading here.

I am having difficulty sorting out the truths from the half truths. My airplane was co-owned with Missouri residents and was registered in Illinois precisely to avoid the annual personal property tax that Missouri levys. In the past, many aircraft owners living on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River had their planes registered in Illinois. As a resident of Illinois, sure, I did have to pay a $10 a year fee for an Illinois Pilot License. That $10 was money well spent as far as I'm concerned. Illinois has a top notch Aeronautical Department whereas what passes for similar in Missouri is just an office within the Department of Motor Vehicles! Many of the airports in Illinois are high quality and vastly under used. That $10 annual fee gets you a thick spiral bound book issued every two years and each page is dedicated to a single airport with an aerial photograph of it and the details you would expect. You also get an Illinois "sectional chart" that can be very handy. In addition, the Aeronautical Department sends out a periodic newsletter that describes all things current and relevant to the flier in the State of Illinois.

I wonder if the personal property tax that some insist they are paying is local in nature rather than state. I can assure you that in Madison County, where I resided, no such tax was ever levied. Admittedly, I've been back living in Missouri for the past several years and unless the laws were changed since I moved, unlike Missouri, Illinois has no state personal property tax.
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I just got a notice from the IL department of transportation saying that I have to register with them and pay a $10.00 fee. At the back of the form it says "Operation of an aircraft without proper registration of a Federal Airman Certificate is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. See 620ILCS 5/42 (1992) IL Complied Statutes."

What the heck it this and is this normal for all States. Why do I have to register myself when I got my PPL? Is it because I live in the people republic of Illinois? I'm kind of pissed right now but if this is normal, I'll calm down. Just to clarify, they want me to register, not an aircraft I'm building or own.

This is normal, and it goes to good use. It's $10 dude! Pay it, get the sticker, and go fly. It's better than having to pay personal property or use tax on it EVERY YEAR like some states. If you don't have a flying airplane, NO you DO NOT have to pay it right now. But when it's done, they will get their $10, and will come collecting their USE TAX if you haven't paid it along the way.

I lived in Illinois for almost 20 years and unless things have changed since I moved back to Missouri, I don't understand much of what I am reading here.

I am having difficulty sorting out the truths from the half truths. My plane was registered in Illinois and tied down in Missouri precisely to avoid the annual personal property tax that Missouri levys. In the past, many aircraft owners living on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River had their planes registered in Illinois. As a resident of Illinois, sure, I did have to pay a $10 a year fee for an Illinois Pilot License. That $10 was money well spent as far as I'm concerned. Illinois has a top notch Aeronautical Department whereas what passes for similar in Missouri is just an office within the Department of Motor Vehicles! Many of the airports in Illinois are high quality and vastly under used. That $10 annual fee gets you a thick spiral bound book issued every two years with aerial photographs and details on every airport in the state of Illinois. You also get a State "sectional chart" that can be very handy. In addition, the State sends out a periodic newsletter that describes all things aeronautical relevant to the flier in the State of Illinois.
This is certainly true. While some living in Illinois don't agree with or like all the people that work at the DoA, it is a top notch department, and most airports are WAY under used...mine is one of them. $10 for a pilot registration, and another $10 for airplane registration is certainly worth it.

Admittedly, I've been back living in Missouri for the past several years and unless the law was changed since I moved, unlike Missouri, Illinois has no state personal property tax.
This is true also, there is no state personal property tax on airplanes in Illinois...there is USE TAX, however, and it's the same 6.25% as state sales tax. And they will get it whether you pay as you go (as I'm doing), or at the end with one big check.

Same in Oregon, we're required to have a "Pilot Registration Certificate" as required by ORS 837.020

I am not trying to incriminate myself but, WE ARE????? I have NEVER heard that. Not from my father (Oregon pilot for 30+ years), my CFI, or any of my pilot buddies. Certainly not saying it isn't true, just that if I am supposed to have one of those, I'd better get one soon.:eek:

real name and address witheld;)
Roger, its true.

I am not trying to incriminate myself but, WE ARE????? I have NEVER heard that. Not from my father (Oregon pilot for 30+ years), my CFI, or any of my pilot buddies. Certainly not saying it isn't true, just that if I am supposed to have one of those, I'd better get one soon.:eek:

real name and address witheld;)

I don't know how that manage the data base (or don't), but I have had to pay ever sense I got my license, but another friend who got his license about 5 years ago has never been asked to pay.

Also each plane is asked to pay. The state ask for money ever year for my C172, but has never asked for the fee on my RV9A.

Anonymous ;)
This is normal, and it goes to good use. It's $10 dude! Pay it, get the sticker, and go fly. It's better than having to pay personal property or use tax on it EVERY YEAR like some states. If you don't have a flying airplane, NO you DO NOT have to pay it right now. But when it's done, they will get their $10, and will come collecting their USE TAX if you haven't paid it along the way.

It's not about the 10 bucks, that nothing. I just don't like being required to register with the state. I have to get a foid card but don't have to register my guns. I just don't like being on a IL state data base when its a federal license. It's sound like the benefits are nice so I will register but I don't like it.
No big deal

I look at it like getting my drivers license and registering my car. I don't know about your area but we (until last year) had to buy vehicle stickers for our cars every year. Same thing for pilot and plane but every two years. I don't know how the personal property got mixed up in this because Illinois doesn't have personal property tax. What I meant in my previous post was that when you first register a newly built plane the charge you for sales tax on parts that were bought outside the state.

N694BP reserved
Let me see. Is this not the state that allows mayors to plow under runways in the night. I would not have expected less. The same mayor said " Do you know that an airplane can take off in California and fly to Chicago and not tell anyone." I'll bet not for long.
...That $10 annual fee gets you a thick spiral bound book issued every two years and each page is dedicated to a single airport with an aerial photograph of it and the details you would expect. You also get an Illinois "sectional chart" that can be very handy. In addition, the Aeronautical Department sends out a periodic newsletter that describes all things current and relevant to the flier in the State of Illinois.

Unfortunately, the Aeronautical Department quit publishing the IL airport directory a few years ago, along with the state 'sectional'. I still use my directory (you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands), although a 2002 or so edition. The periodic newsletter is still published and nice, listing events, fly-ins, etc over the upcoming months.
I recall the $10 fee covers 2 years, and the registration card needs to be with you when flying in case of a ramp check.
I agree with you Dan...I'm confused

I just got the same letter as you did and this is the first time I've ever had to pay this.
When I had my previous two airplanes I had to register them for $10 for 2 years, but not myself.
Now it states in this letter that if I fly in Illinois I have to register....
I havent read the letter in great detail, but I think maybe it is because I've reserved my N number with the Fed and they are talking with each other.
Have you done this also?
Just a shot in the dark because they did not explain in the letter that this was a new thing that was being done in Illinois.

ps I love the shot about the mayor....aint it true..fellow worker just told me he was in the sears tower last weekend and looking down at the new park that is located where Meigs was and it was filled with 2 people. I'm so glad that all of those people are getting good use of that @#$%ing park.:mad:
Let me see. Is this not the state that allows mayors to plow under runways in the night. I would not have expected less. The same mayor said " Do you know that an airplane can take off in California and fly to Chicago and not tell anyone." I'll bet not for long.

Frank, why should this surprise you. Is it not also the state of a presidential candidate that wants the government to provide all services to everyone and let the top 2% pay for it..
It's not about the 10 bucks, that nothing. I just don't like being required to register with the state. I have to get a foid card but don't have to register my guns. I just don't like being on a IL state data base when its a federal license. It's sound like the benefits are nice so I will register but I don't like it.

Heh, when I moved to Chicago a few years back I (being the good citizen I am) went to the local police station to ask how to register my handguns. Oh, we don't register handguns here. Nothing about the handgun ban or F.O.I.D. Not dreaming that the police would steer me wrong, I went about my merry way. Fortunately, I regularly shoot to keep my skills up the shooting range I went to on the edge of Chicagoland was very understanding and helpful when I showed up. They gave me the scoop and I quickly had my ID but decided not to go for a CCW because I would only be there a few years. But I left with the sense that IL is really f'd up in the government arena.

Arizona is really reasonable so far regarding my guns, the motorcycle registration (though they are putting a lifetime limit on custom builds), the vehicles we brought in, and even business setup was easy. I'm crossing my fingers on the airplane.
I just got the same letter as you did and this is the first time I've ever had to pay this.
When I had my previous two airplanes I had to register them for $10 for 2 years, but not myself.
Now it states in this letter that if I fly in Illinois I have to register....
I havent read the letter in great detail, but I think maybe it is because I've reserved my N number with the Fed and they are talking with each other.
Have you done this also?
Just a shot in the dark because they did not explain in the letter that this was a new thing that was being done in Illinois.

I do not have a N number registered because I am only on the wings so far. I figure we're both on some sort of list and our letters went out at the same time. I just find it weird that the person has to also register with the state. Don't get me wrong, I believe the states should have more rights than the federal government but as a good citizen also, I'll do what's required of me.
Seems to me they are stepping over into federal territory, i'll bet that the FAA wouldn't take to kindly to that. Kinda makes you wonder, because the FAA should know about it. I'm guessing they can only charge this to residents though.

If it were me, I'd just send it back with a kind note to stick it in their ear... I'm pretty sure that is FAA territory they are stepping in.
Unfortunately, the Aeronautical Department quit publishing the IL airport directory a few years ago, along with the state 'sectional'. I still use my directory (you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands), although a 2002 or so edition. The periodic newsletter is still published and nice, listing events, fly-ins, etc over the upcoming months.
I recall the $10 fee covers 2 years, and the registration card needs to be with you when flying in case of a ramp check.

Isn't there another thread about ramp checks? :)

a) I wouldn't pay it, as I agree with others that pilot licensing is a *federal* issue, not a state one, and if charged, you can bet I'd be calling in that AOPA legal services I pay for, and
b) I would simply refer whomever is doing the ramp check back to the FARs that state I need only show my pilot's license, medical, airworthiness and FEDERAL registration of the PLANE.

Aviation is federally regulated for a reason...can you imagine if every state started doing this? What if Arizona started charging $100 a year for every pilot who flew into "Arizona airspace", or California started issuing felony citations to pilots who didn't pay a California fee? Take it to the next level...each county or city starts charging "license fees" and such...

Nope, I'd say "pound sand!" to the state on this one.

Thought this was a federal issue. How can the state invade the fed.?

In NY when on the waterways the NYS police DO NOT have any say in how I operate....!!:D
Frank, why should this surprise you. Is it not also the state of a presidential candidate that wants the government to provide all services to everyone and let the top 2% pay for it..

Yes, and the same state that has a governor living in Chicago when the job is in Springfield...

I don't mind the $$ for the AC and pilot registration, but I sure hate the thought of waste and corruption!

(ex Metro driver- 4 round trips daily Springfield-Meigs)
Idaho pilots: Reg.htm

"Pilot Registration--Fees. Subject to the limitation of subsections (c) and (d) of this section, the department is authorized to require that every individual who pilots an aircraft within this state is to register with the department and to renew such registration every other year thereafter in which he/she pilots an aircraft within this state. The department may charge for each such registration, and for each biennial renewal thereof, a fee of twelve dollars ($12.00). Such income shall be used for search and rescue of lost aircraft and airmen, which said search and rescue shall be under the direction and supervision of the director of the department."


"Pilot registration with the Montana Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division is a state law (Montana Code 67, Chapter 3) and a great bargain. The $10.00 pilot registration fee includes our monthly newsletter, Montana and the Sky, and a copy of the Montana Airport Directory.

Each December, the Aeronautics Division mails pilot registration renewal forms to all registered pilots in the state. Please fill out the pilot registration card and mail it in with your $10.00 check made payable to "Montana Aeronautics Division.""

How many other states are doing this? And how many of them are like Idaho's, etc., that technically apply to *every* pilot, not just residents?

I could see this adding up to a few hundred bucks a year in some areas of the country.

And what DOES the FAA say about this, anyway?