I had an iPhone... cool in a way, but junk in others. I do alot of txt msging, cant do it with the iPhone. :rolleyes: I went back to my good old razor. Cool program tho!
Just to be sure everyone understands

I just want to make sure that everyone is clear that this will not work as an attitude indicator in an airplane. The following is from the iHUD website

"Attitude indication (AHRS)
The AHRS in the iHUD basic version has an important limitation. Since we have only the three axes accelerometer information for measuring loads acting on the iPhone and not rate of changes (like a stabilized gyro) means that the horizon display depends solely on the on-board accelerometers. Thus the horizon can not display the earth horizon as a reference of a vehicle in an accelerated attitude of the vehicle (iPhone). It will display the acceleration of the vehicle only. Therefore, never ever use this version of iHUD for in-flight operations to visualize attitude other than pitch and bank in a un-accelerated vehicle. We are currently studying the possibility to mathematically model an algorithm to address this situation."

That is not a disclaimer. It is a statement of fact. I'm sure everyone knew that but I would hate for someone to try to use it in the WX either intentionally or unintentionally. Sorry if I insulted anyone's intelligence but it's better to be safe than sorry.