
Well Known Member
Does anyone remember if the plastic wire insulators on the rear baffle came with the baffle kit? Or, where do they come from. I don't know if I had them and can't find them or what. If you have two that you don't need, I sure could use them. They should be easily dropped in an envelope.
Ok, I'll answer my own question. Ignition baffle seals don't come with any kit. It looks like the nice ones can be sourced from ACS:
Yep, that's where I got mine. Only problem with mine is that the baffles are painted red and the insulators are kind of a baby blue. But hey, they work.

Is there any advantage to using these over a simple hole in the baffle with rubber grommet for each spark plug lead?

erich weaver
erich weaver said:
Is there any advantage to using these over a simple hole in the baffle with rubber grommet for each spark plug lead?

erich weaver


The problem with a grommet is that if the hole in the grommet seals nicely on the plug wire, you'll never get it over the end of the wire, unless you split the grommet, and then use lots of RTV to keep it in place and sealed. The diamond-shaped units are two-piece, so they go on real nice. My old Grumman had grommets, and they got ugly real quick.

Mine came with the engine from Lycoming. I got some amber colored ones that worked very nicely. They were a two piece interlocking affair.

rubber grommets?


Well, I have small rubber grommets that fit nice and tight without any splitting necessary. I think maybe what you are trying to tell me is that thd grommets wont go on the leads AFTER you have installed the hardware at the ends that connect to the plugs and the electronic ignition modules???

If thats the case, then I think my only concern is that with my rubber grommets, I cant completely remove a spark plug lead without either removing the baffle section with it, or alternatively, removing (and ruining) the hardware at the ends of the leads. These are both undesirable, but then again, I dont really forsee changing my spark plug leads out. Should I? Couldnt be too much work cutting a bigger hole in my baffles and using the ACS insulators, so I would just as soon do this now if its worthwhile.

Hope you can follow this ok.


erich weaver said:

Well, I have small rubber grommets that fit nice and tight without any splitting necessary. I think maybe what you are trying to tell me is that thd grommets wont go on the leads AFTER you have installed the hardware at the ends that connect to the plugs and the electronic ignition modules???

If thats the case, then I think my only concern is that with my rubber grommets, I cant completely remove a spark plug lead without either removing the baffle section with it, or alternatively, removing (and ruining) the hardware at the ends of the leads. These are both undesirable, but then again, I dont really forsee changing my spark plug leads out. Should I? Couldnt be too much work cutting a bigger hole in my baffles and using the ACS insulators, so I would just as soon do this now if its worthwhile.

Hope you can follow this ok.



We are exactly on the same page Erich - if you have the grommets on already, then my comments about not getting them past the end hardware is irrelevant. As long as you can get the grommets in the holes in the baffles, you should be fine. As far as having to change harneses....I think I went through two sets of Mags on my Grumman in the life of the engine, and when I changed Mags, I put on a new harness because it came free in a one-time-good-deal with the new mags. I've never had to change a harness because of a problem with one. Of course, YMMV!

Good luck,

I looked at the wire seals at ACS that were mentioned and would like to use them, but the only size they list are 5 MM. My plug wires measure 7.5 MM.

Will the plug wires compress enough to fit in the seals or can the seals be drilled out to 7 MM or am I missing something (as usual)?

Just another puzzlement!

Thanks, Larry
With the harness kit

scard said:
Ok, I'll answer my own question. Ignition baffle seals don't come with any kit. It looks like the nice ones can be sourced from ACS:

They usually come with the ignition harness if you buy a complete harness...

I guess if you are making up your own harness, then you need to buy them separately.

gil in Tucson