Driving '67

Well Known Member
Ignition / Electrical switches Layout

Just working on my panel layout and looking for ideas/pictures for organizing my ignition/electrical switches on the left side of the panel. I?m planning a traditional mag/Pmag setup. My electrical system is run through VPX Pro with two alternators (pri/sec) and IBBS battery backup.

Any photos would be appreciated. Thanks!

Basic panel layout.

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Better picture

Do you have a better picture?
I like the layout. Seems many are coalescing to a very similar Garmin panel. Amazing how good ideas become a de-facto standard.
I posted my panel a couple of days ago in the show us your panel thread. Very similar ideas, so similar switches. I have two p-mags, two alternators, a back-up battery, and a VPX.
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Hi Bob,

I’ve checked out the thread but a lot of the photos are taken of the entire panel and the resolution makes it hard to zoom in and see the details. Bumping into same issues when looking at several professional panel firms photo galleries.

Cheers Jim
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The resolution desired for a message board posting leaves a little to be desired for detail. If you would like a copy of my original photo at full resolution, send me an e-mail address and I will send it.
I've been pre-planning switch organization. I started by writing up checklists for before engine start, engine start, and so on, which I can use as a yardstick for how well the flows work amongst all the switches and other controls in the plane. I haven't yet got much farther than that, other than organizing switches into categories of Power, Abnormal, Lights, and Systems.