
Well Known Member
I am preparing to start my IFR rating. I used King DVDs for my Private pilot training materials. Anyone have comments on King vs Sporty's for IFR materials?

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I recently purchased the Sporty's IFR Course and like it very much. Not to malign the King Courses but, personally, I find them a little "cheesy" sometimes. I chose the DVD's so that I could actually have something that could refer to time and again.

It still seems to be going for a discount as of today:
I have both and feel the King course is far more detailed and useful. It is a bit "cheesy" with the outdated green screen, and some of Martha's little laughs grate on the nerves after a while, but most of the info you need is there to pass the written, which I can't say for Sporty's.

The one thing I disliked with King is that you had to constantly thumb through the manual to find the charts and illustrations they were covering. Why couldn't they put them in order?!

I do like the Sporty's course, as it is better produced, easier to watch and has Richard Collins offering his words of wisdom, but would recommend it only as a supplement to the King course or to an actual ground school.
I used the King course for my primary but I think I used free stuff on the internet for the instrument. There is a lot of stuff out there and I think a variity is good. Using the PTS outlines everything you need to know.
I just downloaded the trial version of Sporty's Ipad IFR training course. From the content I could watch, I found it very helpful, although I do get the impression that studying the FAA texts will be necessary as well for the written. I liked the in-flight footage and live audio as well. It's $200 and I plane on purchasing it once I am done watching the free parts.

I purchased the King/Cessna PP interactive DVD course and basically threw the **** out due to the interactive problems I encountered and finished it up with Sportys. I went with Sporty's for my IFR and prefer their format and professional presentation of material.
I liked King by a small margin

I was able to view the Sporty's course (but didn't have all the support materials and purchased the King course for my IFR. Can't say that I have a strong preference but I slightly tilted for the King course as more complete and thorough prep. I'm using King's commercial one right now to prepare for that test. I haven't had an interactive problems with the King course work.
Try American Flyers Online

American Flyers has a very good online program. I think supplementing it with Sportys is a good idea.

I truly believe John & Martha King are warm wonderful human beings and produce a great product. However, after 6 minutes with Martha; I am ready to commit Hari Kari, Bushida or disembowel myself with a dull deer antler. I just cannot watch or listen to her; much to my chagrin as she obviously knows her subjects. My loss. :( I'd really like to purchase their product; but there is no point if I'm going to be blasting the screen with .45 cal rounds.
Ha Ha

Dealfair cracked me up! Too funny.

Sporty's is not focused on the basics to pass the test. It seems to me they wander all over the place.

King is definitely corny beyond belief, but if you can handle it, they will get you to understand and pass your written way better.

I personally would just study the gleim test book and take the on line tests until you get decent scores"
