C. Brenden

Well Known Member
Great little article in AOPA this month clarifying 91.169 requirements for when filing an alternate airport is a requirement. I was not aware that I should be filing an alternate if I was flying to an airport that was VMC and didn't have an instrument approach. In this case filing an alternate is required. This takes a bit more planning if you regularly file to an airport without an instrument approach Good to know.
This has always been the case, and is a favorite cfii question: "For the 1-2-3 rule to apply, what do you need besides 1-2-3?" (a published approach that you can perform).
oh the rules of ifr, when in dought, file an alternate. thanks for the reminder.
oh the rules of ifr, when in dought, file an alternate. thanks for the reminder.

I doubt my memory can remember! :D

Some other countries than the USA require you file an alternate period! So I just look for a good alternate for all IFR flights and just file it....too easy to do and too easy to get in trouble in a different country if you forget.
I doubt my memory can remember! :D

Some other countries than the USA require you file an alternate period! So I just look for a good alternate for all IFR flights and just file it....too easy to do and too easy to get in trouble in a different country if you forget.

Also, there are a few airports where the 1-2-3 rule can get you into trouble, because the approach minimums are more than 3 miles, or the MDA is over 2000' agl!
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Good one Bob!

You made me do homework on the weekend :mad:

KTEX is a good one for your example on all the approaches there.

I am sure there are many more, but that one was easy to find.....been there, done that and got the T-Shirt ;)
At South Lake Tahoe all the non-gps approaches require 5 miles visibility (gps approach needs "just" 3).They want you to start any miss out over the lake, not in the valley.