Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
Please tolerate my ignorance. I am equipping an RV4 with G3x and all 2020 compiant hardware. Panel space is limited but I thought it would be wise to layout the Avionics ?shelf? and panel so IFR is an easy upgrade for the next owner if desired. Garmin suggests a gtn 625 to compliment the G3x because it is not certified IFR. It feels logical to me that one panel (G3x style) wille eventually be the solution.

Do you have any suggestions to satisfy the IFR function with a G3x panel as a starting point ?
Now everyone will tell you what they did, because what they did is best. I'll try to refrain. I will point out that the EAB standard op limits are very generous - they let you fly IFR in the clouds with the bare minimum of equipment. Which means the failure of any such equipment may leave you in a very bad position. All the debate is about how much, and what, backup equipment you should have on board.
RV-4 IFR Panel

Ask away regarding Garmin IFR installs. I'm adding a G5 as a backup in a week (it will be installed where the airvent is in this picture) and then the heated pitot in January.
I've been flying with this setup for the last 18 months or so and very happy with it. I also have a Stratus 2S and iPad mini that I had used before the panel upgrade. So with that I have 3 attitude and 4 nav sources(3 gps, 1 VOR/ILS) with the iPad being totally independent. You could get by with the G3X, a nav/com radio and a Stratus and iPad. It's nice to be able to file /G when needed though not to mention more and more GPS approaches showing up all the time at smaller fields.

Just curious how the structural cross member was handled on the above panel, looks the audio panel and maybe the 650 as well would interfere with it.
More questions

It appears from Devin's pic that a G3x can go in the center of the panel and still install a GTN 625/or 650 if you want to start out VFR . Stein company informs me a high percentage of new installs are equipping for GPS only approach ( GTN625).
What say you ? Would you buy an RV with G3x and remote (autopilot/com/transponder ) for GPS only approaches ?
RV-4 IFR Panel

It appears from Devin's pic that a G3x can go in the center of the panel and still install a GTN 625/or 650 if you want to start out VFR . Stein company informs me a high percentage of new installs are equipping for GPS only approach ( GTN625).
What say you ? Would you buy an RV with G3x and remote (autopilot/com/transponder ) for GPS only approaches ?

I personally like the option to fly an ILS or a Localizer approach although, realistically I prefer to fly the RNAV regardless. One piece of advice I would highly recommend is a decent redudnent system for a backup. I did a certified aircraft grade install with a local avionics shop overseeing my work. They reminded me that the extra $1500 for a G5 and a backup battery is a MUST. Right now (I have not filed actual yet in the plane) if I were in the clouds and had a complete electrical failure I would only have an iPad. That G5 may someday save your life. Just my two cents.
Just curious how the structural cross member was handled on the above panel, looks the audio panel and maybe the 650 as well would interfere with it.

i know, the wings are going to fall off and im going to die because i changed the design, but on mine i replaced that part with a piece of 3/4 X 3/4 X .063 angle.
but then, my panel is standard size, not oversized, so i placed it with the flat side right at the bottom of the panel. that made the whole panel usable.
bob burns
RV-4 N82RB