
Well Known Member
I'm in the process of renewing my IFR certification. I'm trying to find the best way to organize my charts for quick reference. I've also experimented with Foreflight and electronic charts.

So far, my best solution has been a knee pad with the IPAD. I would like to know how those who actually fly the RV8 on instruments organize the cockpit. None of my solutions I find really satisfactory.

Thanks and regards,

I use a 696 mounted on the right side, that hovers just about my right thigh. That gives me all the charts and plates - of course, I also have moving maps on the GRT EFIS screens, and the 430W to go along with that.

It all plays quite well if you plan the flight in advance and have a general idea of what you're going to need.

Me too

I haven't flown mine IFR yet, but I tried a kneeboard with the ipad and I couldn't really come to grips with it (too big). I'm planning on maybe using a Ramm mount on the left side that can swing out with I need it. The -8 is definitely not as well suited as the side-by-sides when it come to the ipad - in my opinion. Let us know what you figure out!
ipad knee pads do not work in any RV....even the -10.

I have a centre console in the -10 with a RAM mount and this is awesome, but when flying other RV models an ipad is really best loose on your lap or leg.

I have one of the TARGUS ipad cases and this works well.
Your mileage may vary

I use my iPad on my left leg with the elastic kneeboard strap and it's worked very well in all conditions. I keep my iPhone readily available for backup charts if needed, but haven't needed it yet. For my cockpit setup, the iPad on my left thigh works just right. I have a nonreflective screen protector and a Kogen sunshade and I very rarely even have to tilt the iPad because of glare.

Like Paul said, organization before departure is key. I build a trip kit in Foreflight with all the plates and arrival and departures for my flight. I also add a couple other airports in the area because that's a real quick and easy wat to come up with other freq's and runway information in case of a miss or divert. Lastly I put in the alternate info if required.

With two independent EFB'S, my GRT and GNC 300 and 496 maps and information I feel comfortable heading off into the system. Of course, don't forget to make double sure all your electronic charts are not about to expire during your trip:).
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Thanks for the replies.

I really like the idea of the 696. It looks like a better solution than the IPAD.

I have two problems with the IPAD: (1) Glare; (2) Not being able to lock the touch screen other than in the Plates. I find myself accidentally changing the en-route display all the time.

I'll look at the expense of trading my 496 for a 696.

Best regards,

I will use a post it size pad for long clearances and the letter of the current ATIS. I have tried the iPAD scratch pad but for me it is not as convenient. I have the XM and all the charts on my G3X so the only thing I need room for is a post it and a pen.
696 vs paper

I've got a 696 mounted up by my roll bar and a GRT moving map in the panel driven by a GNS480. The plates on the 696 are very handy. Your position is shown on the plate and you can zoom in for details.

Even so, when I did an IPC a couple of months ago, I always brought an 8x11 print-out of the approaches I planned to practice and had them on my knee board. This way I didn't have to fiddle with bringing the plate up on the 696 while trying to load the next approach in the 480.
iPad on left leg.

Paper on knee board on right leg.

Velcroed mechanical pencil on Pannel. Spare near by if needed (I drop stuff ;-).

430waas left side of panel.

Advanced Flight System EFIS in center. Go with the 4500 min. With Synthetic Vision!

696 on right side.

D10 EFIS lower center as backup.

LOVE this setup. :)

Flying IFR-IMC routinely now and very fluid setup.

"slow is smooth, smooth is safe" :cool:
I'm in the process of renewing my IFR certification. I'm trying to find the best way to organize my charts for quick reference. I've also experimented with Foreflight and electronic charts.

So far, my best solution has been a knee pad with the IPAD. I would like to know how those who actually fly the RV8 on instruments organize the cockpit. None of my solutions I find really satisfactory.

Thanks and regards,


This is how my RV8 cockpit is setup. The IPAD with the approach plates and taxi diagrams from Foreflight is proving very viewable even in bright sun. The Koger sun shade does help a little also. The IPAD on the left knee also worked well for me before I redid my panel.