That looks pretty cool!
Don't the international airlines receive their clearances via text now?
That looks pretty cool!
Don't the international airlines receive their clearances via text now?

PDC (pre departure clearance) and CPDLC (controller pilot datalink communication) are the two ways we get ?text? clearances. Slight differences between the two...PDC is just a clearance and is a different technology. CPDLC allows other kinds of clearances throughout the flight. Not limited to international airlines...even corporate planes can participate. My regional didn?t pay for either, but I think most other regionals have PDC...I think most majors have CPDLC now. Lots of boring reading about CPDLC is available.
As a pilot who frequently requests the identifiers to be spelled, having a textual transfer of the clearance information would be wonderful - even if all other tasks of the departure and arrival were still via the radio.
Wow - talk about a straightforward, logical process and App - will be excited to see it go live!
Heck yeah!
Today's mission was a PnP dog flight to San Angleo CAVU, but why not file IFR? This was my first experience filing from foreflight (I always use weathermeister) and getting back a notice from the app of the "expected clearance route" after filing. Huh? Wow, really? I went ahead and planned for it. And guess what, that is exactly the clearance we got on the ramp. Boom, already had the waypoints loaded, had looked at them and knew where they were, etc, etc. Yeah, I'm good with that and already had them noted on the knee board. Very useful.

I too have been the guy on the ramp that is basically, "no, sorry, I'm a thousand miles away from home and can't read back that complicated clearance until I understand it and can ensure that I can fly it. I'll get back to you on that......."

Maybe the technology really will be useful. also shows the expected clearance. Our company (corporate flight department) always files through Clearances received are USUALLY the expected route but not ALWAYS.
Good youtube! I like that app better than using DLC clearances. Too bad the avionics manufacturers and governments didnt take thus approach.

ForeFlight is moving quick on these things too. I saw a demo that they aquired a european company that coordinates routes and validates them and takes the guess work out and last minute changes, like Scott found on his domestic route.

I guess we are entering the next wave of technology push :)