Brent Colvin

Well Known Member
Passed my IFR check ride today, Friday the 13th! Now the learning starts. Nice to get it in the plane that I helped build! Tru Trac quit on way to flight school, all done hand flying the 7. Wished I'd done it 25 years ago

Good Job! Best rating ever. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long either. Amazing how many more trips you can take now. A few days after I got the rating the ceiling went to 200'. Called my jet jock friend and went up in the slag. A real eye opener and confidence builder at the same time. Try it you'll like it. See ya on top!

Don Oltman
Great Job!!!

Nice work Brent.

FYI, I'm headed your way at 0530 AZ time. I'm stopping in Dalhart for fuel on my way to South Dakota. I'll try to catch you on the radio.
Hey Darwin, I'm not there any more. Took a job as test pilot at Air Tractor factory. I'm in Olney, TX now, 100 miles or so west of Ft. Worth. Thanks

It was nice meeting you at Jay's Central Brent! Let me know when you are heading our way.

Hand flying RV7 must be hard :D
Way to go!

Glad you got 'er done.

I've put it off too long... Now hopefully I can follow your footsteps sometime soon!