Keith Vasey

I'm New Here
I searched and didn't find this thread...

Can the certificated repairman sign off the IFR certification of his aircraft? Does it have to be signed off by an avionics technician?

The pitot-static check and transponder check need to be done by a certified technician, using the appropriate equipment.
According to FAR 91.411 and 91.413 the manufacturer of the aircraft can perform the tests. However you would need to be able to show that you used the proper test equipment, current manuals and calibration records. I personally would hire an avionics shop that has a repair station certification (CRS) and is rated for limited radio and instrument to do the test. The technican doing the test has to have a repairmans certificate also. An A&P ticket will not do the trick here. Hope this helps.
Typically, the DAR inspects and issues an airworthiness certificate for your aircraft that in effect says, "certified for daytime VFR flight unless otherwise equipped." The last three words allow YOU to add the necessary equipment to permit night as well as instrument flight. However, even though the aircraft may be sufficiently equipted, the pitot static system and transponder need to be tested and certified as to operation, and an entry made into the aircraft logs, if the aircraft is to be flown under IFR. This must be done every 24 months, according to FARs.
According to FAR 91.411 and 91.413 the manufacturer of the aircraft can perform the tests.

We (EAA) had that discussion with FAA and we were told that the "Builder" of an experimental aircraft is not a "manufacturer" even though that term is used on some of the forms used to register an amateur-built aircraft. A "manufacturer" is a person or entity that holds an FAA manufacturing authority of some type, such as a Type/production certificate, PMA, or similar. The "builder" of an experimental amateur-built aircraft does not meet the requirement, so cannot perform the 91.411/91.413 tests. The tests must be done by a properly authorized person or entity.

