
Has anyone done an actual ILS approach in an RV-12 equipped with a Garmin SL-30? If so, how were the localizer and glidesplope indications presented on the Dynon Skyview? And would that setup be considered WAAS?
I have shot them with the D180 and I think the presentation is the same. If memory serves, the localizer will be across the bottom jus under the hsi and the glide slope will appear just to the right of the hsi. It works well.
You may be getting some of your terms confused.

WAAS = Wide Area Augmentation System - this is a signal broadcast from space, received by appropriately-equipped GPS receivers to provide localized correction factors for the GPS signal. The net effect is a WAAS-equipped GPS receiver can often produce a position fix of greater accuracy than a non-WAAS-equipped receiver.

WAAS has nothing to do with an ILS approach since the ILS is a ground-based navigation aid. The Garmin SL30 is capable of receiving and processing the ILS signals (composed of localizer for left/right deviation and glideslope for up/down deviation) and displaying this up/down & left/right information on an EFIS like the Skyview when properly configured.
Many operators forget that the SL-30 can provide a VOR cross-fix simultaneously with providing the localizer signal. e.g., if there is a VOR cross-fix for the FAF or a step down fix, the SL-30 will give you the radial you're on. I don't know how or if this displays on a SkyView; on a GRT, the HSI main needle shows the localizer, and a bearing pointer on the HSI shows the cross-fix VOR. The SL-30 itself will also show this info.

As previously noted, WAAS has nothing to do with an ILS. It's a correction signal for GPS.
SL 30 approaches

I am an RV7 IFR pilot in the Seattle area with Skyview and SL30 and try to fly in the System as often as I can. Am current but need to build more confidence. I have made many departures thru a 1000' overcast to blue sky above. Traveling by RV is VERY realistic with this equipment, for now. I have dual Skyview with a Venerable D10a backup and a second generated, single airframe battery with Skyview backup battery. I use autopilot in IFR but practice hand approaches often in VFR. Coupled approaches work great with Skyview/SL30.
SL 30 approaches

I am an RV7 IFR pilot in the Seattle area with Skyview and SL30 and try to fly in the System as often as I can. Am current but need to build more confidence. I have made many departures thru a 1000' overcast to blue sky above. Traveling by RV is VERY realistic with this equipment, for now. I have dual Skyview with a Venerable D10a backup and a second generated, single airframe battery with Skyview backup battery. I use autopilot in IFR but practice hand approaches often in VFR. Coupled approaches work great with Skyview/SL30.