
Active Member
I'm not thinking about putting the IFD550 as a primary, but am thinking about a panel redesign with the IFD550 as a backup attitude source.

This got me thinking about positioning half out of curiosity, and wonder if anyone has set the IFD550 positioned where they could use it as a primary attitude source, visually (i.e. centered in front of the pilot).

I currently have a 296 feeding GPS to a D10a for primary attitude, and a Kx155 for my approaches. I'm VOR/ILS only. My next move is to spend the cash on the GPS NAV/COM. But like anything with aviation scope creep, I looked at the IFD440, then thought it is only a bit more to go tot he 540....then started thinking about the functionality of the 550...and then got curious.

So has anyone used a non-traditional setup for the IFD550?