
Well Known Member
If your flying to Lakeland for SNF, the Waycross, Ga Fire dept will sponsor the 17th annual Sun N Fun stop and go free lunch for any pilots and passengers heading south. Look up KAYS on Airnav for directions.

Wille plans to start serving free BBQ sandwich or Hot dogs with Chips and Ice tea on Friday, April 13th. Bill, Keith or Steve will meet you on the ramp and find you a parking spot. This is the 17th consecutive year for this event and is a great stop for a rest break and fuel before heading on down to Lakeland. See ya there, Claude


A bunch of Hungry flyers grab a Hot BBQ sandwich on their way to Lakeland
Fuel Discount?


Will they be discounting their fuel? I see on Airnav their fuel price is currently $4.01 for 100LL.
I won't be going to SNF this year, but I have stopped in Waycross on my way to Florida in the past, and it is a really friendly place to stop!! Two thumbs up for the free lunch!!

smithhb said:

Will they be discounting their fuel? I see on Airnav their fuel price is currently $4.01 for 100LL.

They always offer a cut in price, I dont know what it is as of today and its sometimes as a discount. Ill check with Bill tomorrow and see what they are planning. Bill usually changes Ainav at the weeks end so keep checking and Ill post on here when I find out the discount.

Mornin' all,
I just spoke with the lady at Sandersville, Ga (OKZ) and their gas is $4.18 but $4.00 even for RVers heading to Sun 'n Fun.

Unfortunately, we have a new terminal at 2J3, 24 miles east of Sandersville but no Avgas yet.

What a great idea. It would be awsome if more people did this. It's a great way to add to the cross country, SNF or Osh fly in experience.
Hog or Dog

Willie and me are in the business of serving out free lunch for Pilots going to or from Lakeland for SNF. When you stop in at the kitchen Youll hear Willie ask ya "Hog or a Dog, which will it be or you can have one of each, or 2 of each for all I care". The Hog is boston butt smoked real slow in a brick oven with real wood for about 16 hours. The Dog is all beef Hot dogs supplied by a local Waycross Meat company. And we got all the fixins too, with good ole S. Georgia iced tea.

Willie and me aint in the gas business, but I talked to Bill today and here is the deal on gas. From now till Monday, 30 cents per gallon discount from the price as shown on Airnav at $4.01. So until Monday, SNF flyers can gas up on 100LL for $3.71 per gallon.

Comes Monday now, things gonna change. Bill gets a new tanker load arriving Monday and they gonna stick him up for an extra 28 cents a gallon. So begin Monday, the Airnav price will show $4.29 per gallon. With the 30 cent discount SNF'ers can fill up for $3.99 per gallon. Bill says hes sorry, but they hit him up, and he gotta hit yall up too.

Stop anyway even if you dont need gas, and Willie or me will hit you up with some of the best smoked boston butt ever there was. Even them North Carolina boys stop and get some and caint nobody smoke up boston butts better than them North Carolina boys. :D
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The first day

Things went pretty well the first day, 26 aitplanes stopped in for a free lunch. We served up about 10 pounds of smoked boston butt BBQ. Here's a couple of hungry guys who flew in from Michigan in their RV10A. I think they were enjoying that smoked boston butt sandwich. Relaxing on the front porch with a cool breeze and Chatting with Cleve about building their RV-10A

That sure is a beautiful RV, thnaks for stopping at waycross. stop in again on your way home from SNF
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It was slow today, only 13 airplanes paid a visit. This very pretty RV stopped in from South Carolina just ahead of the storm front. He checked the weather in our pilot briefing room, Bill gassed him up, and he was on his way to SNF. A very nice looking plane.

Ok, the kitchen is ready every day from 0900 till 1800.
All you pilots heading south or north better stop in and grab some great free chow. You know how expensive the food is down at Lakeland and you dont want to fly that crazy arrival approach on an empty stomach.

The weather is looking good for Monday. Ya'll come on down.
Who are those guys anyway?

Check this one out

5 RV's blew into Waycross from Ohio on a 40 kt tail wind today with 9 guys on board. It didnt take them long to find the food. I could tell by the grins they had an awesome ride down from Ohio. I bet theres gonna be some stories told about this trip. Check these guys out, maybe you know them. I took too many pictures to post on here, so I made a website in case you want to take a look at some guys havin too much fun with their RV's on the way to Lakeland.
Check out these 9 guys from Ohio having too much fun at Waycross, Ga