
for the IO-320, what would it be? I have a zero time engine in an RV-9A that is going to have its first flight within the next two weeks. Of course, everything works OK like it is but would you do GAMI injectors? Some sort of whiz-bang replacement for the mags?

Any replies you guys provide will, of course, result in hours of research on my part on the internet, so let the idea fly!
Unless you could have had Lightspeed Ignition.:D But, yeh, the general sentiment: get electronic ignition.
GAMI Injectors

My feeble understanding of GAMI matched/balanced injectors is they work best on the big Continentals which have a rather poor induction manifolds. I'd fly the IO-320 with some CHT/EGT instrumentation on each cylinder to determine if you even have a problem to start with. If uneven temps, try the baffles first.
For me (and because I did this mod) I'd go with electronic injection, but I went with the Eagle EMS system. Which gets you injectors and replacements to the mags. However, if you are ready to fly soon, then you probably don't want to add the time it's going to take to set up that system.

So I'd vote for the Lightspeed as well.
My feeble understanding of GAMI matched/balanced injectors is they work best on the big Continentals which have a rather poor induction manifolds. I'd fly the IO-320 with some CHT/EGT instrumentation on each cylinder to determine if you even have a problem to start with. If uneven temps, try the baffles first.

They work great on any engine - it's just that some engines suck so badly to begin with that you get more advantage on them. Not naming names, just sayin'...
Go with AFP

Gami's cost a lot more than Airflow Performance tuned injectors. Don will fax you a sheet to go and fly and write down EGT's and fuel flows, then send you the necessary injector inserts.
