Well Known Member
I'm not trying to start a flame. I just want honest dialogue concerning the, as I see it, now more likely possibility of FAA imposed user fees, in the near future. Would this possible tax affect your current project or affect your decision on starting a project?
Not for me. But I DO think it will affect overall safety. Many pilots including myself use ATC services for safety. If I had to pay, I'd be less likely to use the ATC system when possible. Thus, it would only be one set of eyes watching... Not a good idea IMHO.
Not for me. But I DO think it will affect overall safety. Many pilots including myself use ATC services for safety. If I had to pay, I'd be less likely to use the ATC system when possible. Thus, it would only be one set of eyes watching... Not a good idea IMHO.
Agreed. If I have to pay to use ATC for FF or to call FSS to file/open a flight plan, I will be less inclined to do it, as will other pilots. This decreases safety.

Is that what the FAA wants, a self-funding system that is less safe?

I'm not trying to start a flame. I just want honest dialogue concerning the, as I see it, now more likely possibility of FAA imposed user fees, in the near future. Would this possible tax affect your current project or affect your decision on starting a project?
They will just require us to use ATC and other FAA services once they see the revenue drop through the floor. This is just an ugly trend but we might get lucky. I doubt it but we might.
Reality will hit them hard. I use flight following and traffic advisory services partly for safety and partly to play nice to minimize impact to air carrier traffic.

I don't file flight plans.

If they want to charge to use ATC then they will see air carrier traffic delayed since I will be an unverified target.

At my airport GA is not healthy. User fees and especially a mandated ADS-B Out system will harm GA.
I think we're going to have some big problems in GA, not just RV building. The same nice folks who sent trackhoes in to destroy Meigs are now going to be on the president-elect's staff.
sorry guys, I think there is something more important that WE as experimental fliers need to be aware of. I was told, an insider in the local FSDO, that at our FSDO the leader hates experimentals. What has he done, well there is no more inspections for experimentals by the inspectors in that office, has to be done by the DAR. I hate to think of what else can come of this.

I have read about other airports where first flights are a nono. I have heard of airports where the phase one is a nono. This stuff absolutely stinks.

Yes when it comes to charges for atc service is one thing, but if we can't get the airplane in the air in the first place, woowa we are in trouble now.

Wow Robby, did something happen to cause you to think about this??!!:rolleyes:


Just wondering what will be in store in January after I wake up from this dream.

You doin OK? Still passively tryin to sell an 8 let me know if you know any interested parties.
I'm not trying to start a flame. I just want honest dialogue concerning the, as I see it, now more likely possibility of FAA imposed user fees, in the near future. Would this possible tax affect your current project or affect your decision on starting a project?
Not intended as a political comment... but last time I looked into this issue it was the Republicans (and especially McCain) who were most interested in user fees and privatizing ATC. Isn't this election, whatever else you may think about the results, generally a good omen for general aviation for at least the next couple years? (Or has Obama said things in the past that sounded bad re: user fees and privatization?)

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Not intended as a political comment... but last time I looked into this issue it was the Republicans (and especially McCain) who were most interested in user fees and privatizing ATC.
I would agree. The recent push for user fees certainly appeared to be very well coordinated, with the FAA and airlines singing the same song at exactly the same time. Not a coincidence in my book.

Do I expect better treatment from the other party? Not necessarially. I think there will be pressure to cut budgets as the annual defecit has now exceeded $1,000,000,000 (yep, a trillion dollars) and is projected to rise in future years. It's not so much that party A or B will hurt or help us more, but there just isn't going to be much money to spend.

So where is the FAA going to cut its budget? ADS-B?

I'm not trying to start a flame. I just want honest dialogue concerning the, as I see it, now more likely possibility of FAA imposed user fees, in the near future. Would this possible tax affect your current project or affect your decision on starting a project?

No. And, I see it as less likely now partly based on this. Maybe the whole impetus for cost savings will encourage the FAA to expedite ADS-B and retire early all those expensive high power ground radar stations. The reality is that I don't see much changing.

Why do you see it as more likely?

No. And, I see it as less likely now partly based on this. Maybe the whole impetus for cost savings will encourage the FAA to expedite ADS-B and retire early all those expensive high power ground radar stations. The reality is that I don't see much changing.

Why do you see it as more likely?

We are a minority group with little repre$entation. AOPA and EAA try, but can they really stem the tide of change. In my experience, many GA airports are viewed by the uninformed as a GORB(Good Ole Rich Boy) country club, publicly funded and of little value to the general public. While not true, has any politician ever been overly concerned about truth. Who knows what is going to happen, but the die was cast prior to this election. All that remains is to see what new form comes from the old mold. You can be sure it ain't gonna be cheap.
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missing some 000's...


I know you can start getting lost in all thoughs 0's but I think you are missing about 3
Trillions, Billions, Millions, Thousands, Hundreds
Wow that is a lot of 0's :eek:

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I know you can start getting lost in all thoughs 0's but I think you are missing about 3
Trillions, Billions, Millions, Thousands, Hundreds
Wow that is a lot of 0's :eek:

My bad. I meant 1E12 dollars. Big numbers work better when I stay in scientific notation.

In RV terms, if a nice completed 2-seat RV is $100k, then the 2008 defecit is 1E7 - 10 million - completed RVs, or one completion about every 3 seconds.

I think I'll stop thinking about this, go but some $2.50 mogas, and turn time and speed into distance and smiles.