Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
OK as promissed, time to start letting the lion out of the bag (just a big cat).

iEFIS page 1.jpg

A brief primer giving a quick but fairly comprehensive overview on what's been cooking at MGL over the last 5 years or so.

http://www.mglavionics.co.za/iEFIS primer.pdf

CEO MGL Avionics
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Is it too early to inquire about price and availability?

Unless I read incorrectly, the pdf indicated it may be connected to external devices. Am I to understand I may be able to use the split screen function to display the sectionals, low enroutes, approach plates, etc (which I already have in current subscription through another service) currently displayed on a Windows, Android or ipad tablet?

A simple suggestion...
I and others I speak with prefer the instantaneously recognizable display format of an analogue gauge for some instruments such as airspeed. Can you offer a user selectable option of changing the tape to a virtual gauge for airspeed?
I'll definitely want to see the performance in sunlight, now that i've used capacitive touchscreens (iPads, iPhones) in the cockpit in daylight I would have a hard time going back to a panel that uses resistive technology. But I remain optimistic! :)

Any chance there will be some visible at a booth at Arlington, WA this year?
A simple suggestion...
I and others I speak with prefer the instantaneously recognizable display format of an analogue gauge for some instruments such as airspeed. Can you offer a user selectable option of changing the tape to a virtual gauge for airspeed?

Here are a couple of screens designed by MGL users. You can design your own screens or use stock supplied screens, any mix of analog versus digital presentations. You can design screens for specific flight modes.



These are the current G2 product but I'm sure the screen design capabilities have carried forward to iEFIS.
Yes of course it can be connected to external devices - that is why the iBOX has 6 serial ports, two CAN interfaces, 3 ARINC receivers and 1 ARINC transmitter. So G430W etc, SL30, SL40 to name but a few are all covered.

Yes, the built in screen options include an analog "six pack". Georeferenced approach plates can be used and are currently available for free, including nvaigation databases and maps supported by the MGL community.

Unlike previous MGL EFIS systems plates are now integrated into the map system - i.e you can switch any map display between raster, vector and plates as you need. Previously the plates used a dedicated screen. The new method cuts down on the number of individual screens needed.


Is it too early to inquire about price and availability?

Unless I read incorrectly, the pdf indicated it may be connected to external devices. Am I to understand I may be able to use the split screen function to display the sectionals, low enroutes, approach plates, etc (which I already have in current subscription through another service) currently displayed on a Windows, Android or ipad tablet?

A simple suggestion...
I and others I speak with prefer the instantaneously recognizable display format of an analogue gauge for some instruments such as airspeed. Can you offer a user selectable option of changing the tape to a virtual gauge for airspeed?
Pricing information can be obtained from your local distributor and varies a little between countries due to costs (like taxes, duties etc).

As a rough guide, based on our local price you are looking at a price of about 15% LESS than a current MGL Voyager system. Yes, that is for the panel AND the iBOX. When you specify a two panel system and a single iBOX - that is where it gets even more interesting - more than 30% less than an equivalent dual panel Voyager.

The new system however gets even more interesting as you can now add low cost panels (up to 8) at various sizes. For example, you might want to consider two Explorers in the panel with a Challenger (10.4") in te middle between them and if you have a 4-seater, why not two 7" Discoveries integrated into the front seat headrests for the rear seaters ?
Impossible to consider ? Not anymore...

I have held back release of information as much as I could until we are ready. This is now. The first batch is being assembled now, the second batch is going into production very soon (parts are coming in now).

However - we are a small company and will remain that way (that's just the way we like it) so our production quantity is limited to initially around 100 of these panels per month (expected to go to about 400 per month once everything is routine). This will likely mean that there will be waiting lists.


How much is it and when could i get one?
Wow, that Aerocopter screen must be one of the nicest MGL user designed screens I have ever seen. It puts my own efforts to shame - but it does show just what you can do if you want to and it shows precisely what these EFIS's are all about...

Thanks for posting.


Here are a couple of screens designed by MGL users. You can design your own screens or use stock supplied screens, any mix of analog versus digital presentations. You can design screens for specific flight modes.

These are the current G2 product but I'm sure the screen design capabilities have carried forward to iEFIS.
Unless I read incorrectly, the pdf indicated it may be connected to external devices. Am I to understand I may be able to use the split screen function to display the sectionals, low enroutes, approach plates, etc (which I already have in current subscription through another service) currently displayed on a Windows, Android or ipad tablet?

There are more screens than shown in the document and you can also choose different layouts (apart from the fact that you can create our own screens either based on the existing screens or starting from scratch).

In particular there is a standard screen which gives you a small primary flight section on the right (with a small AH and all the other items you need for normal flight) -this screen has a large map. You flip the map mode between vector maps, raster maps (which are scanned sectionals) and plates. Plates can be anything realy but normally they are just that - plates. You can find plates for the U.S. and some other countries provided for free via the MGL user community. Yes, the plates are geo referenced.

As the community grows you will find more and more pre-made screens, navigation data, maps popping out the woodwork - already, it is a good effort that is growing ever more rapidly and more users are getting involved in actual design of the EFIS software itself (ultimately this will result in open source - my final goal).
Somebody once made the comment that this is the "Linux" of EFIS systems. While it is not using Linux (yet) - perhaps the comment is not that far from the truth.

Tablets, to get to the other part of your question should be embraced as part of the whole iEFIS solution - they need to be part of it. They are ideal as flight planning tools, data decording devices, even secondary EFIS panels - so why not ? Yes, it is quite possible to create an EFIS system using all of our devices (iBOX, radios, servos, engine monitoring) but not even use a single of our panels - just use a tablet. Granted, this is probably not the norm considering our panels are fairly well priced but there is nothing to stop you and even more - it is fully supported by myself.

This is only the beginning - but all protocols and interface information will be made public. Let's see where this goes...

CEO MGL Avionics
RichB, GrayHawk, thanks for the posts.
I see these options. Is it possible to display the analogue airspeed without partitioning the screen? By this I mean without decreasing the size of the EFIS screen; can it be displayed semi-transparently on the EFIS like the HSI is displayed on the iefis in Rainiers first post in this thread?

Thank you for your explanations. What is the nits rating of the iEFIS display?
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Due to the way this screen is constructed there is no effect at all related to sunlight visibility.
It is made from pure glass and in fact is part of the optical system of the LCD display, just as before. The display polarizer that has the most to do with sunlight visibility is, as before, the final layer of the display and it has our normal surface treatment like you find on any of our displays (anti-glare, anti reflections).

The display we showed at Oshkosh last year had a whopping 2000 nits (but at that stage we did not yet have the final coating of the polarizer so it was still very reflective). Since we have the final display and evaluated it in sunlight we found it was just as good as our Voyager (perhaps very slightly better) with only 800 nits so that will be our standard version. We may still offer the 2000 nits as option but in my own opinion, it's pointless unless you would be operating in some really unusual applications.

Your comment on normal touch screens are very valid which is exactly why it has taken us so long to come up with a solution that works. Pretty much 5 years. It was clear from the beginning that some form of touch screen was needed - but a touch screen that you could operate with an unsupported hand in turbulence and a screen that would work in sunlight without undue cost and drain on power resources (one of the things I have not yet mentioned is that the Explorer runs on a tiny sniff of power, only around 0.6A at full brightness !!!).

Capacitive screens need a smooth surface - trouble is, that means reflections. Also, they react to the lightest touch and it is not possible to derive the force that the screen is pressed at in any reliable way. This is needed if you want to properly emulate a button - you must be able to place your finger on the screen quite firmly to steady it in turbulence (much like you would with a good, tactile button). Then press when ready.

Older resistive touch screens can do that (sort of) but have other disadvantages - they don't work well in sunlight at all, have a limited life span and can't handle pressure changes very well.

We went back to the resistive touch screen as a base but then improved it and made it part of the natural display rather than just something you stick on top of it. Using the latest vapour deposition machinery as is used by LCD manufacturers it became possible to use only glass in the construction and reduce spacings to just microns. Due to the methods used we can now accurately and repeatedly measure not only position but also force while completely elliminating all other concerns such as life time and atmospheric pressure. That is the answer.
I like it - but the final verdict will be made by those that use it.

CEO MGL Avionics

I'll definitely want to see the performance in sunlight, now that i've used capacitive touchscreens (iPads, iPhones) in the cockpit in daylight I would have a hard time going back to a panel that uses resistive technology. But I remain optimistic! :)

Any chance there will be some visible at a booth at Arlington, WA this year?
As the little birdie sang: "Cheap, cheap, cheap...".

Ask your local distributor (MGL Avionics USA for example).
AS mentioned in one of my posts: Around 15% lower than a Voyager for a single panel system with iBOX, 30% lower for a dual panel system sharing one iBOX.


Yes you can do that. You would need to add this using the screen designer.

The standard screens do this kind of thing for the G-force. If G-force exceeds 1.5G a large G-force indicator pops up in the middle of the screen slighty above mid point with a semi-transparent background.

CEO MGL Avionics

RichB, GrayHawk, thanks for the posts.
I see these options. Is it possible to display the analogue airspeed without partitioning the screen? By this I mean without decreasing the size of the EFIS screen; can it be displayed semi-transparently on the EFIS like the HSI is displayed on the iefis in Rainiers first post in this thread?

Thank you for your explanations. What is the nits rating of the iEFIS display?
Screen brightness

As mentioned in one of the posts the "naked" light output measures about 800 nits, perhaps a tad more. This is for the standard Explorer.
We may offer an option for 2000 nits later - this we had last year at Oshkosh but after completing the screen development and environmental testing I did not find the extra brightness and cost for this worth while.

The screen has a polarizer as final layer. In addition it has a surface treatment that completely eliminates reflections and glare - the main (if not only) reason you want a bright display.

We have the brighter backlights in stock though (we bought them in anticipation of needing them during early development) so once things settle down we may offer them as option to get rid of them :rolleyes:
Needs more current and creates a bit of heat though - nothing is for free...

CEO MGL Avionics
As the little birdie sang: "Cheap, cheap, cheap...".

Ask your local distributor (MGL Avionics USA for example).
AS mentioned in one of my posts: Around 15% lower than a Voyager for a single panel system with iBOX, 30% lower for a dual panel system sharing one iBOX.


So about $3315 US for a single
Rainier, you guys continue to bring the 'awesome' year after year.

Oh, and thanks a lot for for my first case of panel upgrade itch before my plane has even flown. ;)

So about $3315 US for a single

As I said, not at all sure about U.S. prices. They tend to be a bit higher than here due to a whole bunch of costs but you probably have about ballpark there I'd guess.

The cost will come down further a bit later - we have a second iBOX in development called the "iBOX mini". As the name suggests it is a smaller but compatible version that mostly ditches the ARINC, couple of serial ports and a few other things to get the price down. Mostly intended for smaller aircraft, even ultralights - however, I have the sneaky suspicion that it will find its way into many RVs as well.
The iBOX mini could also be considered for the second, redundant iBOX if you need to save a few bucks but don't want to loose out on extra redundancy.

CEO MGL Avionics

There are some nice videos out there that show case your current line of EFISs (Odyssey, Extreme)

As you continue the rollout of this new iEFIS, is there any chance that you might put together a video (or two, or three) to show case some of the features? :D

There are some nice videos out there that show case your current line of EFISs (Odyssey, Extreme)

As you continue the rollout of this new iEFIS, is there any chance that you might put together a video (or two, or three) to show case some of the features? :D

I'm Sure Matt (MGL Avionics USA) will but together a video the moment he gets his grubby paws on one. And that is not far away...

CEO MGL Avionics
Hats off

To MGL. I appreciate the goals of this company, open source and affordability. As a rv builder without an endless bank account, I see that with MGL I will be able to have a really great efis (iefis) system that even I can afford. This is exciting to me, already have my harness made for the v-6 and when I get the info I will build in for an iefis, hopefully the mini will be my choice. Thanks MGL.
