Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
Proving flights, which form the final part of the iEFIS product development have now been completed. The only change done to the system during the proving flight schedule was a change of colors used on the writing of some touch screen items to improve visibility under very bright sunlight conditions at certain angles. All software and hardware items passed testing first time around with zero issues. You can tell we have done this a couple of times in the past - experience is starting to count.

Impressions on screen size and general usability of the user interface, in particular the velocity and force sensitive touch screen are simply outstanding.

We are planning to officially release the iEFIS to the public early next week which will also include the manuals. This also includes first shipping to customers.

The first batch of Explorer panels and iBOX units have been sold out a few months ago already, the second batch is entering production now and a third, large batch is in preparation for production.

We are ready to dance.

Here is a picture of two Explorer panels fitted to our Sling avionics research and development platform.

CEO MGL Avionics

Nice. As Pierre posted about my dual Odyssey panel: "I don't understand, where are all the avionics?"