
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, what do you do when you find a scrap of 1/8" aluminum and are standing in front of your band saw?!?


You make a couple of gas cap tools! I used the nylon one I bought from ACS a couple years ago as a pattern, cut two of them out of a tiny scrap of leftover thick angle, finish-shaped them on my Scotchbrite wheel, and polished them off to make sure there were no stress risers...:p

I know I'm probably taking food out of the mouth of whatever RV'er designed and sells the nylon ones, but it seems like I never have the right key ring in my pocket when I want to open the gas caps. Now with one on each key ring I own, I am much more likely to have one at hand! (And of course, one will end up on Louise's key ring...)

The moral? NEVER throw away'll eventually find something to do with them...

Great idea. I love it however, this is a gas cap opener. Some of you may recognize another convenient use.
Looks like there's an "L" on the opener at top in the picture. I assume you made one for the right side cap as well? :D
Great idea. I love it however, this is a gas cap opener. Some of you may recognize another convenient use.

That's not a gas cap opener...
crktm1612m_med.jpg this, this is a gas cap opener. :) It'll also cut sheet metal and seat belts...hope I don't ever have to use it for that.
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Time Wasters

Well, what do you do when you find a scrap of 1/8" aluminum and are standing in front of your band saw?!?......
The moral? NEVER throw away'll eventually find something to do with them...Paul
With little more than a bandsaw, small drill bits and pattern files, I've fashioned several aluminum words including AVIATOR, PILOT, N3107X, and the one shown. With steel stock, I've even been known to fabricate Ninja throwing stars as a mindless diversion. :D

Shuriken (throwing stars) also make great gas cap openers, just be careful about which pocket yer carrying it in. :D
Now Rick, you know you're not allowed to waste time when you have an unfinished airplane! These projects are for AFTER you're flying...:)
Doug says it has something to do with Frequent Flyer Miles.

I don't understand it either... :D

As I sit here in a Hilton in Mainz, Germany after a great FREE trip to Wiesbaden, the Rhein and Mosel valleys, Luxembourge and Paris with my wife, I can tell you I DO understand the frequent flyer miles Doug refers too!

Of course, nothing is ever really free. There were many PITA trips needed to build up the miles to get here. It's kinda' like deburring ribs for years on end. :D

I'll be posting a Van's shirt sighting when I get home. (I work for a few more weeks in Germany and Ireland after my wife returns to CLT tomorrow)