
Active Member
Hi all,

I am doing some owner preventative maintenance on my airplane (legacy RV-12, 912ULS), replacing all the coolant hoses as a part of the 5-year, as specified in Rotax 912 MML 05-10-00 Page 7 Rev 1. There is some black goop that is not called out in the Rotax manual, nor the RV-12 KAI. Would anyone be able to identify this for me? Is this actually supposed to be there at all? Is there somewhere in the KAI that says to do this sort of thing?

Thank you for your time!


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Eriselle ...

It is a good practice to place a little silicone RTV at those locations where hoses or wires could chafe while crossing one another or laying on engine parts, engine mounts, ect.

Looks to me that is what you have.

I don't have any manuals handy but believe Van's mentions that practice towards the end of the build after the engine is mounted.
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This isn't just a Van's thing. It's a common practice.

That's more than likely just black RTV from the auto parts store. When you replace it, if you don't already have a tube, spring for the high temp red stuff. You can get it at O'Reilly or Auto Zone for a few bucks. it comes in a tube like toothpaste.
The first two responses are correct.

I tend to use BLACK GM RTV gasket compound from the auto parts store because I also use it on the only GM vehicle I own.

From experience, ANY RTV material should work. I have a caulking gun tube of BLACK that I purchased from the local LOWES big box store and it has worked well for over 5-years (and still working) on my flying RV-6.

This isn't just a Van's thing. It's a common practice.

That's more than likely just black RTV from the auto parts store. When you replace it, if you don't already have a tube, spring for the high temp red stuff. You can get it at O'Reilly or Auto Zone for a few bucks. it comes in a tube like toothpaste.

The high temp RTV comes in other colors too, if you don’t want red.
The high temp RTV comes in other colors too, if you don’t want red.

Yeah, like black ;)

Favorite here is Permatex Ultra Black (almost every auto parts store), which is the same as Loctite 598 (from an industrial supply house).
Yeah, like black ;)

Favorite here is Permatex Ultra Black (almost every auto parts store), which is the same as Loctite 598 (from an industrial supply house).

I like the gray one because it closely matches the Fire Barrier 2000 that I’ve used around the firewall areas - almost as if I planned it that way.