
I'm New Here
Could anyone advise me how to identify the components in bags that come with the kits?

I have a kit which was started by another builder and unfortunately don't have the packing list. The components are dated 2016 & 17

I'm specifically searching for AN426AD4-5 & AN470AD4-6

Thanks in advance.
packing list

Unless you are good at hardware, I would get a copy of the packing list. I am building a 9, so mine wont be 100%.
I use the packing list a lot to identify hardware. I cant imagine doing a build without it, unless this is your life.
Build instructions

Those are Rivets. One is universal and the other is countersunk. If u are stumped by this u need to do a lot of reading. Get the Vans build instructions and the plans. U are gonna need them.
It's worth putting the parts in bins with the part number labeled. And it's nearly essential to have both the plans and the inventory list for the hardware and the airframe parts. Give Van's a call.

Section 5 of the construction manual can be very helpful in identifying hardware.
There are pages that have full scale diagrams of a lot of the hardware, and others that describe what the part # description and sizing methodology means.
Section 5 of the construction manual can be very helpful in identifying hardware.
There are pages that have full scale diagrams of a lot of the hardware, and others that describe what the part # description and sizing methodology means.

Scott is right on here - I was going to recommend Section 5 as well! You will undoubtedly, however, run across some hardware Numbers that you just can't figure out. For those, remember hat you can usually go to the Aircraft Spruce web site, and type the part number in to the search engine. It will almost always pop up and tell you what it is! Its even faster than going to the old mechanics “little black book” I have from fifty years ago that lists all the AN and MS hardware.

Thanks for all the tips.

I was looking for an easy answer instead of measuring :)

And the rapid, quality responses here is very impressive!

A friend suggested I just drop them all on the floor. By the time I've sorted them I wouldn't need a reference!